Diane: I suspect your poor fingers are frozen solid, so started the new thread.  :-)  Do hope your friendly neighborhood critters show up when the temperatures rise.

Check back for lovely pic of Kingfisher (and more) from Clare; Lindybird's Second Christmas and updates on cruises; OG's plans to attend a masked ball - and more!

I drove all over the local neighborhood today: Library; hardware store; charity shop; Bed, Bath and Beyond (looking for towels); Habitat for Humanity's ReStore warehouse; University's hazardous waste center; County electronic recycling center; pet shop, beauty supply shop; and two supermarkets!  Phew!

  • Thank you, Annette! Happy new week, everyone.

  • Much cooler today, 28 C, which is my comfort threshold. Some 60 fires across state in the “catastrophic” conditions yesterday. The worst was between Keith & Bordertown in South-East where 12,000 hectares burnt, 2 homes, 4 machinery sheds & enormous numbers of sheep. Now under control but it is Victoria & NSW’s turn for severe weather & high fire danger.


    Sermon this morn included a joke that if there had been Three Wise Women instead of 3 Wise Men, they would have arrived early, found suitable accommodation, cleaned & baked and been ready for the babe. Hm, methinks the gifts would have included useful things like nappies. LOL

  • AQ:  Ha-ha! I've seen that Three Wise Women scenario on Xmas cards. Sorry about the fires - awful about the sheep.  Our TV  news this evening gave sad story about bear cub found in the hills that was horribly burned but still alive. It was euthanized. The guy who found it was almost in tears. We have heavy rains due Monday/Tuesday and they've been warning folks in and below the area of the Thomas fire to expect mud flows. Lots of sandbags being made available for them...

  • aquilareen said:
    Sermon this morn included a joke that if there had been Three Wise Women instead of 3 Wise Men, they would have arrived early, found suitable accommodation, cleaned & baked and been ready for the babe. Hm, methinks the gifts would have included useful things like nappies. LOL

    Brilliant!  It's quite possible they would also have argued over who would get to cuddle the baby first out of them, though.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • By the way I'd strongly recommend looking at this if you're a fan of kestrels.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, and Thank You to Annette for starting us off on a new week.

    Very frosty and cold, here, what a contrast to AQs reports!

  • Today's pic:

    "No, I'm not selling double glazing...... just collecting for orphan pups!"

  • Awwwww, Lindy!  He looks like he's practising to be a Chippendale.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning!  Still cold out there this morning (and I am not going to church in sub-zero temperatures!) but the house stayed warm and cosy in the night.

    Annette – I don’t think the party qualifies as a “Masked Ball” – it’s only a ceilidh – and an English one at that, so nothing more than a barn dance really!  My, that was a busy day driving about from place to place – you really have taken the big clear-out very seriously!  How awful about the bear-cub – but there were probably others that died a slow death through that huge fire.  I hope the mud-slides won’t happen, but it sounds as if they are well-prepared.

    AQ – pleased you had some respite from the heat today – bad about the fires, especially the loss of sheep.  Have heard the Three Wise Women story before – still funny!

    Clare – thanks for your photos previous page – also the link to that wonderful Kestrel.

    Linda – good morning; I hope that tiny back garden isn’t home to that beautiful dog!

    We are still trying to use up Christmas leftovers.  Where did all this chocolate come from?  Did I really order so much?  I won’t do it again – well maybe just half as much!  Now I really must go and … do something; maybe more tidying!  Our tree etc lasted till 1st January before I got desperate to see the whole uncluttered room!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Glad you're keeping warm there, OG.  Bright sun here over the frosty fields. I thought that too, about the big dog - I hate to see them in inappropriate homes.

    We're off out, well wrapped up, for some fresh air.  Leaving most of our Christmas decs still up! Including our real tree, which has dropped very few needles. Will attack it all when we return.