Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 December 2017


We begin the year with a Full Moon on the night between Monday and Tuesday. This Full Moon is also a so-called Supermoon, because it will occur just hours after the moon reaches perigee (its closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit). 

I cherish you all, and I wish you a joyful, peaceful, healthy, and fulfilling 2018! Thank you for being my friends. 

  • Sounds like a magnificent feast, LINDY!

    I fell asleep but was woken by the sounds of the big firework display that was part of the Hogmanay party organised by the council. Spectacular, other fireworks round and about for quite a while. Next door' s dog wasn't happy though :-( He barked for ages. I saw lights on in their house so assume he wasn't alone.
  • I'm sure there were fireworks around here, but I slept through them.  Woke up around 1.00am and it was all over ... so I am not grumpy today, as I usually am on NYD!

    It's an odd time of year, isn't it.  Looking back over the past year, and everything that has happened - including those we have lost, and other major changes in our lives - and looking forward with hope, anticipation and perhaps a little dread to the year to come.

    Christmas and New Year have never been my favourite times of the year, so I for one am glad all the festivities and chaos is behind us for at least eleven months.  And there's so much to look forward to next year - my outlook today is one of eager anticipation.  Happy (and healthy) 2018, everyone :)

  • Exactly how I have always felt at this time of year, Pat. Yes, lets look forward and not backwards!

  • Lindybird: Had to Google Lemon Syllabub. Yum! I wouldn't have been able to move after a meal like that - could have passed on the Beef and gone straight to dessert (with the chocolates).

    Harelady: I'll raise my glass to a kinder 2018.

    PatO: Can't say these holidays are my favorite either - too much commercialism and too many expectations (which we managed to keep very low this year).

    Yesterday the kids down the road had a live band that started at 5 and played on and off until 10:30 - which amazed me; they've never shown that kind of restraint before. Anyway, I toppled into bed and heard a few token fireworks around midnight, but that was it.

    Spent all day sorting through OH's office closet. He's definitely cornered the market on Post-it stickies (multiple sizes and colors!), and if anyone needs a gross or three of black gel-tipped pens, he's the man! The worst part was ID'ing all the software and CDs associated with his computers and printers, ancient and modern, most of which are now sorted into trash/recycle piles. Best Buy took two old modems and some kind of ancient video card (still in its box) the other day and I gather we can take CDs there too. Hope they've got a big bin.

    Lazy morning here; sun is up. Got to sort out something fruity for today's brunch at friend's house. Doubt OH will come; hope he hasn't got any grand expectations for dinner.....

    Take care all.

  • I think the same way as you, Pat and Heather. I suspect many others do, but do not like to say so, for fear of being thought curmudgeonly.

    Yes, let us look forward to whatever good things this year may bring.

  • I hope everyone is having a nice day.  Limpy and I visited Abberton Reservoir today - I'm now going through my photos (a mere 534 of them!).

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OK.  I've posted the first lot of them - click on this lovely black-headed gull to see more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • And here are the rest:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lovely as usual, Clare. How restrained you were not to post all 534 of them!

    It must be difficult to choose. I love the swans.

  • Unknown said:
    How restrained you were not to post all 534 of them!

    I hate to think how long that would take me.

    I once posted more than 80 photos of a starling murmuration - it took forever, and to this day the photos take an age to appear properly!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.