Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 December 2017

Whatever holiday you celebrate (or not), I hope you all have a meaningful, peaceful, and happy time!!!

Gray Wolf
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather - How nice that you have the Danes to stay again. Enjoy their company.

    Diane - You're very sensible to stay at home. Enjoy your book!

    Hope that AQ is getting some of the cooling rain which we've seen in Australia on the cricket reports!

  • Today's pic:

    The miniature tree which we bought to put in our tiny living room this year. About two feet high.

  • Our 2nd Ch-mas lunch was fine. Buffet style. Fill-your-own rolls with selection of sliced meat, cheese, tomato, cucumber, chutney, gherkins, etc, etc, followed by icecream & fresh fruit. My ego was boosted when the three Little People wanted to sit with me, causing a sarcastic comment from sis-i-l. When opening our gifts the trio made appreciative noises and they presented me (& OH) with homemade decorations for our tree. Duly hung ready for their visit. My back survived quite well, although I sneaked away to rest & exercise on MissJ’s bed. Alas, later, at home reading on lounge I fell asleep. Woke with my back feeling as bad as ever. I have spent today back to hourly exercises and I feel better. I have to recover as tomorrow afternoon is my niece’s wedding.


    Linda – A little, very little, rain in Adelaide. Cooler, mid 20s, but humid, continuing for next few days. Obviously Diane's cold weather package! Must dash as it is last episode of Churchill saga in few mins.


    Love the tree.

  • Testing testing as very quiet on here..

    Funny coming from a lurker xxx

  • LOL Wendy!! - Don't be a lurker, join in! - Did you have a good Christmas Day?

    Been busy, tidying,  and cleaning the (now famous) stove. Had a discussion with my Friend, as her OH is rather poorly with the shingles, and they had already invited us to join them for dinner on New Years Eve. We are going to decide whether to go ahead with it, tomorrow.

    After I posted at breakfast time today, the rain turned into snow, with huge flakes falling for half an hour or so. But the ground was wet, so they didn't settle into a white carpet but just made everything wetter. Later, it brightened up a bit.

  • Sorry you aggravated your back, AQ.    :-(  Hope it is alright for the wedding.

  • Lindy quiet as just me him and her..

    Youngest up 5/1and a girlie holiday with all 3 in March as usual to Lundy.

    Lots of snow and ice which is walk limiting but Daisy is adaptable ..

  • Just finished a meal cooked by our Danish friends. Frikadeller, which are a Danish kind of pork patties, potato salad with dill garnish. Plus a salad, also gherkins, beetroot. Plus wine and they are now on a whisky tasting. Not for me as I don't like whisky. (Sorry, WENDY).

  • Lindy: Shingles can be contagious. If you have never had chickenpox (or the vaccine), you could contract the virus. 

    I just wanted to make sure that you knew. Sorry if I sound pushy or condescending; I was just worried about you.

  • ANNETTE - Danes are here until Sunday morning. Despite offers from my daughters I have chosen to stay at home on New Years Eve and New Years Day. If I feel like it, I can phone any of them and be entertained. I think that I prefer to be alone and think of times past in a happy yet reflective way. I don't really want to be jollied !! hope that this makes sense...