Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 December 2017


Please check back to last week's thread for information from Annette on the fire threat!!! She posted photos that you will want to see!!!

The December Solstice is Thursday at 4:28 p.m. in the U.K, 11:28 a.m. in the eastern U.S., 8:28 a.m. in California, and Friday, 22 December, at 2:57 a.m. in Adelaide, Australia! 

Everyone have a great week, and STAY SAFE, ANNETTE!

Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hope the exercises are working, AQ!

  • Yes, Linda, the exercises are working, but I am starting to do more activities which needs care or else I'll be back where I started. Evening meal & washing up done, now an evening of relaxing ahead.

  • We remembered this morning, that its someone's birthday today!

    Bonnie is now three!!

    I took some photos on my tablet but now I can't seem to access them to post them on here.  Not knowing what I'm doing on the pc is often frustrating....

    Meanwhile, here is a picture of her only a few weeks old, to remind us of how she's grown:

    and more recently:

  • A very happy birthday to the lovely Bonnie!  I'm sure she has brought you so much happiness, Lindy, amongst the more interesting incidents.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • "Interesting" is a good description Clare!!

    Chased her round the table for a packet of Christmas gift labels the other day.....  most of them were only slightly chewed....

    And she ate my OH's bread and butter when he left the room to fetch the jam for his sandwich!! (last piece of bread in the house, at the time.....).

  • Good afternoon everyone I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas as I am getting ready for the visit from my son and his wife and I might not be able to get back on here. Although we are going out for lunch on the day they still have to be fed before then. I would also like to thank all for the friendliness and support that I get here.

    I hope that those who are having health problems receive support from our NHS who often get bad press that they do not deserve.

    Best wishes to all    

    george g

  • LINDY    loud music is one of my nightmares,  hence we don't go anywhere that we might encounter it.     maybe some people enjoy it, but no-one I know. The Red Squirrel is a beaut. We hadn't see any for a week or 2, but were please to see 2 on a dog walk earlier this week 

    ANNETTE  Well done on the clear up. Hopefully you can look forward to an ash free Christmas now.

  • LINDY    What beautiful pics of the birthday girl. Benson will be 5 at the end of February. It is so hard to believe.   My OH has been busy scanning and posting photos over the past few days. Some of the pics go back to 1980 and our first Goldie named Harvey. He lived to be 14yrs and 4 months and spent the last year of his life living in Shetland. We have wonderful memories.

  • Lindybird said:

    "Interesting" is a good description Clare!!

    Chased her round the table for a packet of Christmas gift labels the other day.....  most of them were only slightly chewed....

    And she ate my OH's bread and butter when he left the room to fetch the jam for his sandwich!! (last piece of bread in the house, at the time.....).

    LOL, LOL, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.