Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 December 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Sunday is the Full Moon, and it's a so-called Supermoon (the full moon near lunar perigee). 

Here's a Cooper's Hawk like Annette has in her garden. I thought of her when I saw this photo.

Cooper's Hawk
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Clare:  Oh dear. I think we're really on different wavelengths when it comes to Christmas music, even though I did like Cliff Richards in the old days. I love a capella singing and full choirs (even when they aren't singing carols).   I went to an all-girls' school - Catholic - a lovely place with a lot of emphasis on the arts and music.  Our local church (as I've mentioned before) had a huge powerful organ and a fabulous choir and that's what I associate with Christmas.  

    AQ: Loved The North Wind - it painted such a vivid picture: I could see the red dust over the town and the brown grass....  Liked the lyrics of the Carol of the Birds, but the tune not so much.

    Diane:  Did you see the Saturday Night Live take on A Christmas Carol (with Trump "visited" by Christmas past, present, and future)?  It's gotta be on YouTube somewhere.

  • Good  Morning  All.  Still dark here. .Monday again!

    I used to be in the school choir - you missed some maths and geography segments to go to choir practise!

    I still sing lustily: did in church the other day at the funeral we attended, and in the shower, in the kitchen, in the car..... no idea if I'm in tune! -Don't care!

  • Hello all - hope everyone is OK.

    Not a lot happening here, parcel just arrived! One down, two to go.

    ANNETTE - My garden is looking quite -winterish and dead. I think that my son in law has been a wee bit too enthusiastic when pruning but I will know when Spring arrives!

    FORESTBOAR - Thank you for keeping us updated. Hope you are not running yourself into the ground. You are getting help from stepdaughter, is that correct? I assume that is not the stepdaughter who has health problems herself? Sorry, the old memory is not what I would like it to be.

    My widowed friend in Wales has just got a puppy, fourteen weeks old. She had to sleep downstairs last night because he wouldn't settle. He eventually slept for 3 or 4 hours.

    OG - Can I ask where you buy cheese online? Sounds interesting. I was thinking about the Christmas food shopping. Easy in one way since as I said, I could use a list from five years ago and it would be OK. Even so, I envy you making different things. If my crowd would ask for Cornish pasties I would be a happy woman!

    LINDY - thank you again for the photos, I have enjoyed them all. I'm trying to remember - is it your youngest and family that are coming for Christmas?  I have looked at the boxes of decorations but that is as far as it has got. I don't usually do them until much later in the month. Amy and Katie have been delegated to do mine this year.

  • A bit dull and damp, here. Went into the town to go to the P. Office (to post a card to Awful Cousin in Canada!) and a couple of other things. My OH has been sweeping up some of the wet leaves in the garden. When he'd finished, I put out on the bird table a Bird Biscuit I baked yesterday. I found some out of date flour in the kitchen cupboard, so I added some oil to it, some water, and threw in some sultanas, then baked it as I already had a hot oven. Result, one huge brown biscuit! Will let you know if the birds appreciate it.

    Heather, it's our Eldest who is bringing his wife and Amber up for Christmas. It's been a long time since we spent Christmas morning with a child in the house. I'll take extra care with the decorations. I spent a while on the pc yesterday, ordering various things requested by all the family. We will be visiting our Youngest with their presents either just before or just after Christmas Day.

    We received our first Ch. card today, from a cousin of mine-- horrified me as I've not written mine yet, nor even found the bargain ones I put away last January!

  • Yes, LINDY - extra care as in fragile ornaments high up on the tree :-) And any chocs, also..... You'll not need me to remind you about the danger of low hanging chocs! Bonnie is growing up now so she probably won't try and climb the tree.

  • LOL, Heather - Don't think Bonnie could climb one, but she'd certainly eat anything she could find! We are having a real tree this year, much smaller than our previous (artificial) one, and putting it on a low table. Don't think I'll be putting any chocs on it.....

  • Morning all:  Did anyone see the Super Moon last night - brilliant in every way!

  • Heather/Lindy: People with dogs have to be so careful. My friend in Indianapolis messaged me a few days ago. One of her dogs -- one of the dogs that I pet-sit for -- was acting strangely. He was constantly circling as if he had to poo, but not producing anything. The behavior went on late into the night. She was afraid he'd had a stroke. She called the vet, and he prescribed a sedative until morning. The next morning the vet took the dog into surgery. They removed a dryer sheet from his stomach! (One of those scented sheets that you put in the clothes dryer to make clothing smell fresh. I don't know what they're called in UK.) A fully intact dryer sheet! He's a tiny dog. I don't know how in the world that dog managed to swallow a dryer sheet! Anyway, dog owners beware. 

    Hope everyone is well!