Hi folks, It was a windy and damp day yesterday. Lots of vigorous exercising by Middle and Youngest. Thought at one time the middle one would take off, it was certainly doing so across the nest. I think 5 fish in all were delivered by both parents between them. All at rest now. Ahhhhhhhhnight, night, see you all in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Must go off for a while ... back later! (Secretly hoping to see three young ones on the nest when I return!)
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
DjoanS said: Must go off for a while ... back later! (Secretly hoping to see three young ones on the nest when I return!)
Me too DjoanS but will look again before I go off to bed just to make sure they are all safe. Heart stopping stuff.
Lindybird said: EDIT: Hi, evva ! ---and paula!
EDIT: Hi, evva ! ---and paula!
Hello everyone! I think no.3 has settled down a bit now and decided to stay home for supper with mum, followed by helping with the housework. Do you think it's getting a bit late in the evening for fledging?
All I've got is rock'n'roll, All I'll get is growing old....
Came on just after 8 to catch up on day's activities, not enough chicks on the nest, thought one must be hiding off to the left but NO, missed a fledge again! No 3 leaping up and down saying "Mum, mum, mum, watch me" "Yes dear..."
Ah, EJ has flown off, No 3 home alone. Hope No 2 makes it back.
Terry in Cumbria
He/she is lonely! Someone come back to the nest!
Hi evva, and welcome!
I think you might be right about it being a little late for a second fledging tonight (although I wouldn't rule it out completely). Either way, I'm convinced that it won't be long before it takes the plunge and if not tonight then tomorrow for sure.
Hi Lindybird
have been addicted to EJ/Odin and off spring, I am one of the ones who carries laptop all over the house lol
I also joined in the terrible weekend ot LoTL..... ..amazing lady Osprey. The poems written made me cry
Have become more of a reader than contributer recently as I am busy studying with OU again!
No 3 still Home alone, ah this must be whats it is like for them however
Someone just landed back on the nest, is it No2 or No 1? Help! I'm guessing 2
Somebody just returned .... don't know which one though!
EDIT - I suspect its #1 becuase its the one that looks like Odin!
It has been an evening of unexpected guests and I have missed No 2 fledging !!!
Is that 1&3 on the nest now.