WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 2017

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  • LINDY - have a good weekend in Wales. I hope that your OH's sciatica improves soon. It is a good job that the allotment must be fairly dormant just now, not much digging?

  • LYNETTE - a Caribbean cruise sounds good but watch out for weather over there in October?

  • HEATHER - Mammogram was yesterday - she kept me waiting ages while she decided whether to do a fifth picture, but said it wasn't a problem.  I saw that picture, and it was interesting to see the internal scar in full!  will receive a letter with result as consultant appointment won't be till February - or later with the hospital moving next month!  I am sure the Roses listened - but being talked to may encourage them to grow even more!

    LYNETTE - I agree with Heather - October is hurricane season in the Caribbean - and we saw what happened there this year!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • PS - managed to empty dishwasher - and start to re-fill - without breaking anything!  OH hasn't come home to see damaged saucepan yet!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry that I got the day wrong, OG but glad it is done, anyway.

    Re belly pork - it was always called streaky pork when I was young. It is fatty, but my brother slow roasts a joint for a few hours, fat just melts away. Then he cooks the crackling separately. I find it tasty but very rich.

  • We can't manage crackling anyway with our old teeth!  I have heard that you can cook belly twice - boil, skim and then roast - but I imagine that would lose most of the flavour.  Mother used to just roast like any other cheap joint she could find, and most of the meat I was served as a child ended up under the table in the Dog!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Yes, well, OG, I eat crackling but very carefully since I have never had strong teeth. I lost half of a tooth that way many years ago. Bridge work followed, eventually. Inner corners of front teeth chipped when eating a peach too enthusiastically when I was only in my twenties. Hit the stone! So two crowns...

  • We had a good journey, dry most of the way, and only hit grey drizzle when we got to Conway. Threw everything inside, put the heating on, and made quick mugs of warming soup for lunch.

    Just reading about tooth disasters puts my teeth on edge! Neither of us can eat a large piece of red meat any more, and I was surprised when my OH started saying that he was going to cut down, as he used to love a really big steak. We can both still polish off a really big plateful of veg, though, and I make macaroni cheese in a vast quantity, as I don't measure anything. We love it smothered in softened onions. Yum.

    I've got a sore throat, but can't really complain if I get a cold, as it's ages since I suffered a bad one. 

  • Hope the sore throat/possible cold won't turn out too much, LINDA.  We are also big veg eaters - I would quite happily sit down to a plate of veg - and your mac cheese with onions sounds wonderful!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • BTW - I have been forgiven the pasta disaster and we ate toast instead!  OH is completing the final wall of the hall, and we have postponed the second carpet fitting to give more time to do the study as two more appointments in next two weeks appeared this morning.  Bedroom carpet will remain 13th, so glad not to have to restore that at same time as clearing study the very next day!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

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