Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), October 15, 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful autumn week. The New Moon (Dark Moon) is Thursday. 

Coyote in the Cattails
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

  • Morning all.

    Clare: I felt very comfortable with the lower temps and lovely moist air in the UK, even though it wasn't cold but "fresh" as my BiL called it. Not sure about going through months of really cold and damp and dark though...   Heard on the tele last night that they're forecasting a warmer-than-usual winter for us. Yuk.

  • Thank you all for your good wishes. I must admit that these options were not welcome, but such is life.

    On the positive side the week we have booked in Cornwall near Truro is now back on. Only 3 1/2 hours away. It looks seriously disabled friendly and with younger SD to help it all looks promising. Older SD's wound is now healing, thanks to a small fortune for manuka honey and silver dressings. That side is currently positive.

  • Pleased to hear that you've had a more positive ending to the last few weeks, ForestBoar.  Thinking of you all.

  • A "bit of this and that" sort of a day, today.  Went to poke around the newly refurbished branch of ALDI in our town this morning. My OH looked at the wine but couldn't make his mind up, so didn't buy any. Came out with some sweeties to give to children at Halloween, and two pieces of rump steak.

    Checked my emails for the 1st time in two days, then made a birthday card for little Matthew, who will be 3 soon. Did the ironing. Got out lots of stuff ready to make some Christmas cards at the weekend (can it really be the weekend again???). My OH fixed one of our vertical blinds, which was coming loose from its moorings, and hoovered round, as we seem to be walking in all the wet leaves at the moment. Both went to get our 'flu jabs at the surgery.

    A rather wet weekend is promised, so I hope to get on with the Christmas cards!

  • Oh, and  I looked at some more pics so that I can put the next part of my holiday journal on here tomorrow!

  • Good  Morning. Breezy here.

    Slept in later than usual, then we were awoken by Bonnie "singing" to us as she waited for us to rise and get her her breakfast!

  • Here's today's pic:

    Labelled 'Icelandic Mare'.

  • Hello -

    A beautiful day here but looking at the weather radar some areas have got lots of weather...

    LINDY - what will you have with your rump steak? :-)) I've just eaten beef stir fry made with a wee piece of steak that was lurking in the fridge.  

    I've just finished pruning the big vine and the jasmine. Would love to let the jasmine have its head but it was attacking the roof of the 'sittooterie'.

    Forestboar - pleased that your elder S/D's wound is healing nicely. My old lady next door swore by manuka honey for healing. When I was a young nurse honey was used. Alas, probably not these days.

  • Horrible weather here, Heather - wet and blowy, and I just put the heating on!

    I'm going to fry the steak gently and serve it with pepper sauce,  broccoli, and potatoes sliced and layered with onions, and milk and beef stock, then cooked in the oven.