WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), 8 October 2017

Welcome to a new week from a sunny spring afternoon in Adelaide.

  • Looking forward to it, LINDY. They call Madeira the island of flowers. Family away home now.

  • AQ: Thank you very much for starting the new thread. 

    Hi, everyone. I've just returned home. My friends in Indianapolis had a wedding to attend on Saturday about 2 or 3 hours south, and then his bluegrass band had a show to do in the same area on Sunday. So I agreed to take care of their dogs for them for the weekend. She picked me up on Friday night, and he brought me home this afternoon. I expected to have access to a computer, so I figured I'd start this thread as normal, but turns out they had to take their laptops. So I'm sorry I didn't arrange for someone else to start the thread before I left. Well done to AQ. 

    Annette: I hate to hear that you're ill. Sending you healing energy right now!!!

    Hope everyone is well. Must get to work right now. :-) Take care, all. 

  • Pleased to read that you're OK, Diane - I had just emailed you as we were wondering if all was OK. Hope you had fun with the dogs!

    EDIT-- It's not your sole responsibility to start the thread, so don't worry, one of us can always do it if you're absent....

  • I rashly offered to kid-sit sometime in the holidays while Dau goes “Me-shopping”. Tomorrow morn there I’ll be playing promised games with Miss6 (she misses out my visits school term) and refereeing between the Trio. And the dog!

  • Oooh! AQ!  --  I'll be thinking of you, and hoping you come out of it unscathed! Seriously, though, have fun with your littlies!

    Good  Morning,  All.  Dull, grey and drizzly here. I have Friend coming around again for a cuppa and a gossip, so must run a duster over things.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits...."

  • Oh dear, they're just showing the extent of the wildfires in California. Keep safe, Annette.

  • Pleasant morning here, off for a swim in a while.

    LINDY   Adorable, wish I could just sit!!!!

    DIANE Hope you had a good weekend with the dogs. Shame you had no access to a computer.

    ANNETTE   Wishing you well.

    Benson up to his tricks again. He didn't want to go with me on Sat, until I headed in a different direction and same with OH this morning. Yesterday I was walking with a friend and he was thrilled to see her but not happy with the idea of going for a walk. I gave her the lead and she encouraged him while I shook his treats. Once we were in the woods and he was off the lead, he was fine!!!!!???

  • Goodness knows what goes on in dogs' heads, Dibnlib!  

    When I take Bonnie up the road, she stops at a particular point as if transfixed by fear or something, then with some encouragement, she potters on happily again as if nothings happened.

  • Next Instalment of our hols:

    As we had never been to Madeira, we wanted to see as much as possible but did not just want to go and see say, the Botanical Gardens which although I would love, we could save perhaps for another time. We booked to go on a "Tour Around the Island" with several stops at viewpoints etc. It was a perfect day for weather, sunny but not hot.

    The coach wound its way around the very bendy roads, and through the many famous tunnels. The guide explained that there were a lot of faded flowers at the roadside, as summer had just finished there, too, and so it was not quite as colourful as can be seen at other times.

    View from my seat on the coach....

    The red roofs everywhere are so pretty.

    A bit wonky, as we negotiated a hairpin bend!!

    Flowers in the gardens and against the houses.