WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), 8 October 2017

Welcome to a new week from a sunny spring afternoon in Adelaide.

  • A striking window, AQ. I'm wondering if Keith was named for the town up here in north Scotland? I will Google it.

    I pruned about a third of the grapevine yesterday and plan to do some more today if I have enough time. Youngest family may visit today so son in law might take a turn with the secateurs.

    Somehow or other have developed tendonitis in right foot (self diagnosis!) and walking is very painful. I'm blaming new house shoes/slippers - very flat ballerina style and quite a tight fit. Last time I wore this type of shoe I ended up with plantar fasciitis in the same foot so only have myself to blame for this flare up of something or other! Still, as ANNETTE says, others have more serious problems to contend with. Speaking of which, ANNETTE, I hope that your chest is a little less congested today and that meds are helping.

    PAT/LINDY - Every single Christmas I vow to be organised and without fail I'm shopping at the last minute.

    Only three more days before I go to Shropshire for a long weekend to help son celebrate his 50th birthday. Looking forward to seeing them all.

    DIBNLIB - So good that you enjoyed Table Manors. I must mention that place to the family.

  • AQ - Interesting. The town was named for, it is thought, for Lord Kintore whose family seat is named Keith Hall. Kintore is situated in the part of Aberdeenshire where most of my late OH's family live. His nephew and niece play in the Kintore Pipe Band. Some of the nicest memories are of nephew Jimmy, then Pipe Major, playing at family weddings, including ours.

  • Heather:  I just ticked "like" on your post, but only because I was pleased to hear that you managed to do some pruning, but not because you seem to have a sore foot!  I wonder if I've had that complaint myself as I had a sore foot for about 18 months and it only very gradually eased off eventually. Good that you're going to have some more lovely "family" time with the birthday coming soon, of your son.  I hope you all enjoy yourselves.

    It's been mixed weather here and I finally put out some laundry, only to feel some drops of rain upon my cheek!  As it was just one grey cloud passing over, I pressed on with hanging it out and now its all limply looking at me through the window - I don't think it will really dry very much, as there's no wind at all and very little sun.

  • Next Instalment of my hols:

    We enjoyed a performance from a girl singer, who had been in the "Strictly Tour" and was certainly very versatile, she could sing in many styles. Forgotten her name now, of course.  I'll look it up later. The Theatre on the Ventura is very good, and has neat little tables in the arms of the seats so that you can put your drink on them if you have one.

    Next day was our 3rd Day.  We had a sunny start which then clouded over.  This did not deter my OH who sat out hoping to top up his tan, nevertheless! We enjoyed reading our books then had a buffet lunch of salad.  In the afternoon, I left my OH to himself and found the venue for a lecture by one of the Art Specialists on board, about the painter L. S. Lowry, who I like.  It was very interesting, and included his early life, his success and his famous inclination to be rather reclusive.  She illustrated it with photographs of him, and pictures of his work, on slides.  There is an Art Gallery on board but of course the works there are not at all in the bargain bracket!!  They did have some Lowry sketches.

    That night, after a lovely meal in the restaurant (where we met all kinds of interesting people) we went to the Theatre again and saw a former member of The  Hollies, who sang very well and was full of amusing stories.

    Our 4th day was very lazy indeed - we got up rather late, sat on deck for most of the day, and went to bed early that night, after dinner!!

    On the 5th Day, we awoke to see that in the darkness there were strings of lights around us, on land:  we were approaching Madeira.

  • We docked in Madeira after some careful manouvering of the huge ship.  By then it was light, and we could see the island as we ate our breakfast. First impressions:

    There was also a huge ship tucked in behind us!

    View from the top deck.

  • Just lost a post will try this one

  • HEATHER    Poor you, very painful indeed. I believe it is the same as tendinopathy.   Have a great time in Shropshire.  We used to enjoy eating out at "The Deerstalker" in Wem. I wonder if it is still there.

  • Don't know about the Deerstalker, DIBNLIB. Where about was it? Not sure that I know about Wem :-(

    LINDY - What did you think about Madeira? I love it, although it has become more touristy over recent years.

    Well, two hands sore and not working properly and now only one foot painfree!!! Good job that I have a sense of humour. I'm happy to say that the bits in between seem to be OK and I can still use secateurs :-)

    Waiting for youngest family to arrive.

  • Heather - Further description of our time in Madeira to follow......

    It's a very pretty island, we loved all the flowers.

    Have a nice time with the family.