Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 October 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful autumn. 

The Full Moon -- the Harvest Moon -- is Thursday. 

Western Tanager
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good morning - wet and miserable here.

    AQ - I echo LINDY's remarks regarding postal services..

    ANNETTE - sorry about the cold - feel better soon.

    Family curry evening here, today, so must wave a duster around the dining room. I am not cooking, the meal will come from our favourite takeaway. Eldest daughter has decreed that pudding is not needed so we will just have after dinner coffee and chocs. An easy evening :-)

    I can't remember if this is the weekend that OG's younger daughter is visiting her parents. If so, I hope that they have a lovely time together.

    The leaves on the grapevine are turning colour so my next big job is the pruning of said vine. I may start that tomorrow as the garden bin collection will be on Monday. There are only three more garden bin collections before they stop for three months. We have to pay a yearly fee, now, for the garden rubbish collection.

  • FORESTBOAR,   Thank you,   Glad your 4 legged friends are doing well. Hoping for the same with your family.