Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 September 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

I'll try to come back and post some replies. I'm working on my freelance project. 

Best to everyone!

  • Yes, WENDY it is bedtime! I am all cosy in bed, watching Monty Don on TV and phones, books and Kindle to hand.

  • Sadly don't have TV in bedroom Heather but catching up on Bake Off love fast forwarding all the adverts..

  • Welcome back, Lindy. Quiet on here without you. Will be very interested to hear of your travel experiences. Sorry you had such a bad journey home.

    OH's birthday today, so have just returned from a meal out at our local French restaurant, with daughter and son-in-law.

  • Good Morning.  Dull and a bit grey, here.

    Hope you had a pleasant meal out, Rosy. How many courses did you have ?

    We enjoyed our holiday which went by very quickly, even though we had some "at sea days" in between all the exciting ports of call. We now have my OHs Awful Cousin from Canada to entertain as she is on her annual visit. We're taking her out to lunch today to give sis in law a break, she was rolling her eyes when we called to collect Bonnie from her yesterday. Only a few days to go before she's off again!

    Meanwhile, one of our suitcases is laying in the hallway unopened - it has a fancy numbered lock incorporated into the design, which stubbornly won't let us open it up! Bah!

  • Here's today's pic:

    "Which way now, Mum?"

  • Diane - thanks for liking my Hares - I started collecting many years ago - before they were everywhere - I even saw some cushions in a garden centre locally that were £145 - far too much for me.

    Heather & OG -  I know what you mean about the menu - it is very different but I wanted my friends to sample it. I too love good plain food especially as I am not a very good cook! and have been to Scotland many times and love the quality of the meat and fresh vegetables up there.

    I hope you all have a good weekend and the weather is kind to you.

  • Good morning.  Having a quiet day at home today.  OH has gone to print the newsletter copies and check his powerpoint for tomorrow’s service – had to merge the regular one with additions from the Moderator who is coming to do the service.  We two are being made members having spent two years deciding, we seem to have settled at this church.   J is busy doing his ironing.  He and I both have symptoms of having eaten too much the last two evenings, but the Italian night at the OTB was good – I just wish they made smaller portions.  The Fellowship meeting Friday afternoon wasn’t very good – a flower arranging demonstration (which doesn’t exactly fit my life priorities) and the speaker was so quiet that I couldn’t hear what she was saying anyway!

    Heather – pleased you felt comfortable with tree man; hope it proceeds well, and at a fair price.

    Wendy – good that Daisy had another sunbathing day!  Saw the pics on facebook!

    Linda – welcome back – sorry the drive home was so congested – but normal for a Friday, I suppose.  You had actually mentioned the route when you first booked, but I didn’t remind anyone as you chose not to yourself.   Thinking of you today dealing with locked suitcase, the cousin and a very excited returning Bonnie!  Was supposed to be good weather day, but sun is popping in and out with occasional short showers.

    Rosy – I hope you were able to choose a suitable French meal for your OH’s diet, and that you had a good evening out!

    Harelady – I am sure you can really cook very well, having raised a family!  Fancy cooking is not necessarily good cooking!

    Got some neglected filing to do now, following newsletter week!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Phew!   A busy day, here. Got hosed down and hair washed first thing, then into the fray. 

    Did some laundry, but like others we found that the weather was not as forecast and so unable to get any of it on the line.  Into the drier go my undies!  Sis in law wanted to go for a walk and get her awful visitor out of her hair, and as tomorrow looks even worse than today for rain, we offered to take Awful Cousin out for lunch.  So sis-in-law had a peaceful afternoon and a rest from chattering -  Awful Cousin never stops, she seems to think she has to fill a silence, so goes on and on ....    ...  and on....  We took her to a country pub and had a huge lunch (I had gammon with mushrooms and grilled tomatoes, with a whole little pot of peas and a basket of fries)  Cousin had a  h u g e steak, after much debate about the choice and the method of cooking.  Thankfully she enjoyed it, when it came, and was quiet for all of five minutes whilst she shovelled it down. We were all too full for pudding, but waited for the pouring rain to stop before getting in the car and stopping at a shop where she wanted to buy cake.  In the end, she decided on a packet of home made cookies which she insisted we share with our coffees back home.

    Now I'm back to emptying the cases:  we were lucky, and my OH managed to get the stubborn case open in the end after some fiddling about, and we have vowed not to use the lock again as we think it's faulty.  We've only used the cases twice before so they are virtually new.

    Bonnie is ecstatic about having my OH back again, but its really so wet this afternoon she is not getting a walk.  She had behaved herself at sis-in-laws and is not quite so round as the last time we left her:  I think she got lots of long walks this time!

  • LINDA - weather here found its way to a nice sunny day from about eleven o'clock onwards.  Spent some time outside this afternoon.  Is  cousin a large lady from all the big meals and extras, or does she wear it all off with talking?  Glad you got the case open!  Can you use a locking strap instead of its combination lock in the future?  Pleased Bonnie got a good report and stayed the right shape!  Will Sister-in-Law still be able to look after her when she has moved house?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!