Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 September 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

I'll try to come back and post some replies. I'm working on my freelance project. 

Best to everyone!

  • Good morning everyone.

    Thank you for starting the week, Diane. I hope the project is going well..

    I am looking out on a very misty Lake Garda, and  there is thunder and lightning.

  • Thank you DIANE! I hope that your project is going well.

    ROSY - A misty Lake Garda sounds very atmospheric. I wonder if it is morning mist or rain on the way, given that there is a thunderstorm somewhere.

    A stupid night here. At 0250 I was out in the garden, checking to see if Callum had locked the garage when he left after cleaning his car. He can be very 'forgetful'. Obviously a family failing since I forgot to check that all was secure before I went to bed last night. After that, I lay in bed wondering why the security lights hadn't come on when I went outside!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • PS- CLARE- I do watch Strictly sometimes but not last night:-(

  • Well, Sunday already, and I never did get back to make all the intended replies last week - but it was good to read posts from so many, and to see HARELADY's Hares at last!  Lovely to have CLARE's Regents Park link to end the week - enjoyed all the photos, including those by others at the Meet there.  I can't remember who said it, but we also see lots of "Warbler-chaff thingies" when in similar places near water - liked that collective name for them!

    Thanks DIANE, for starting us off again.  I hope the project goes well this week, and that you get some more comfortable, cooler weather.

    ROSY - sorry you are getting some poor weather on holiday, I hope it will improve this week so that you can enjoy the scenery.

    HEATHER - what a silly way to spend the night.  We went to bed late after watching Strictly - time shifted via the DMR.  Our evening was interrupted by J giving his "funny bone" a serious whack - not funny, but he says this morning it seems to have jogged his dodgy shoulder back into position!

    Just heard that Dau#2 and Fiance are coming to visit again next month, so something to look forward to.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  Lovely sunny morning here in Lincolnshire. Niece and I drove up yesterday; rest of family here later for the day. Was struck by how fast and how close behind other cars people seem to drive here. Was very odd to sit in what would be the driver's seat in the U.S. but have no control - I had my foot on "my" brake multiple times!

    Clare: Saw some of Strictly last night, interrupted by lots of chat and Facetime with family in Arizona and call to OH in Santa Barbara.

    Heather: Hope you have a better night.

  • You're in Lincolnshire?  Whereabouts?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lovely to see your "local posts", ANNETTE.  Have a wonderful get-together for your Sister and her OH's anniversary.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Didn't go to church today - had planned to stay home due to wet forecast - result: a dry day!  Made a birthday card and got started on newsletter while OH went - he was busy today, first operating projector for service, and then asked to act as secretary to quarterly meeting as administrator was away and also trying to help introduce a quarterly reporting and budgeting programme (which will probably mean he ends up doing it!)

    We both went outside this afternoon to fetch courgettes, beans and potatoes for our evening meal.  Fresh food!  Also, catching up on a backlog of general household stuff after our busy week: the coming week looks much more sensible, with only three appointments so far as I can see - one by phone, one at home and one out!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Iffy weather here but 2 Daisy walks. She seems more chilled tweaking her diet seems to be paying off. Sort of a detox programme.

    OH had been off for a week so has spent a lot of the day catching up so he is on the ball in the morning.

    Tuesday should be interesting as further to last years problems with trees and electric cables more trees are being felled. Not holding my breath but they are providing a generator to power his PCs. Sadly not big enough for kettle power:-(

    Sends some extra runner  beans up here please OG.

  • Good morning all.

    The weather improved yesterday, so walked up the hill behind the hotel. We visited the Museo il Divino Infante. Not something we would normally do, but this is Italy.

    Some one has been collecting and restoring Italian  figures of the Christ Child from the last 300 years. Unfortunately, the translation was only in German, and I don't understand that either, so missed a lot, but it was interesting.

    Wendy,   I hope your 'interesting' morning does not present too many problems.

    Annette,  Hope you are having a wonderful time with your Sister and family.

    Yes, roads in this country seem very congested, compared to your part of the world.

    I envy you for your fresh vegetables, OG. Nothing like them.