Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 September 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

When I was young, I spent a lot of time on the Gulf coast of Florida. My then-husband had family there. I so loved watching the Gulf wildlife. Tonight, the area where I explored the wild is under a mandatory evacuation order. It's expected to be hit hard by the massive Hurricane Irma. (For perspective: Irma is bigger than France.) My thoughts are with the people and the wildlife throughout the southeast U.S.

Manatee, Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge, Florida USA
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • They're saying that it did not explode correctly, so has not been as bad as it could have been, although some people have bad burns. Must have been very frightening.

  • Over 46 lengths this am then did at least 20 mins of exercises for my heel and knee.  Treated myself to a new cossie as there  was 20% off for members this weekend Think my present swimsuit is about to expire though i do have 2 others hardly worn.

    ANNETTE  Do enjoy your trip back to the UK. You must be leaving soon. Are you travelling around or staying with relatives the whole time?

  • Dibnlib:  Well done on all that swimming. Must be good for you.  Hope you and Benson enjoy yourselves with your OH on his weeks off.

    Its been dry and sometimes sunny, here.  Tried on more trousers (deciding which ones to take out of many, all different lengths!) Then with my OH, sorted out all the documentation for our trip. Found to our dismay that the car park we've booked at Southampton is not exactly right next to the Cruise Terminal, and that some people have written saying that they would not have booked with them had they known. We certainly didn't realise.  But must take solace in the many comments praising their service, so hopefully we can get on a transfer bus for the short distance to the ship - I've got a lot of bags, LOL!!

  • If not that then a taxi, LINDY. You'll be fine :-)

  • Thanks, Heather. We were more annoyed, than anything.  We booked it absolutely ages ago, when we booked the cruise, and on the recommendation of our Travel Agents. But only today, when checking their map online for whereabouts it actually is, did I notice that it's not where we thought! Ho hum.

    All our finery is in the big cases and I have my bag of shoes....  I'll tell you the final tally tonight when we do up the cases.

  • I'm guessing eight pairs, LINDY:-)

  • Well, it's all in the cases. We go tomorrow morning, by don't need to leave at crack of dawn, so I'll still be posting first thing.

    I've put in my shoe bag:

    2 pairs of evening sandals (one black, one silver & gold effect)

    1 pair Birkenstock sandals

    1 pair flip flops with metallic trim

    1 pair flat sandals with gold trim

    2 pairs of Skechers pull on type leisure shoes (one sensible navy, one bright pink)

    That makes 7 - but then you should also count the sensible walking shoes on my feet! -  So its 8!!   Well done, Heather!

    (Of course, I would have liked slippers, and had to leave them out plus another pair of gold sandals which I couldn't fit in, however hard I tried......)

       ---  and I will be wearing some comfy driving shoes on the way there, but those will be left in the car.

  • I'm making a sweeping bow, LINDY :-))))