Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 September 2017


The full moon is Wednesday. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and a great September!

This past week was the 8th anniversary of this thread! Thanks, Annette, for starting it. May we all remain friends and preserve our bond. 

Dahlia at Sunrise
U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • Clare: Thanks for reminding us about this thread's anniversary!

    I've been enjoying your lovely photos. They're very good.

  • Lovely pic Diane. Thank you!

    Lindybird: Hope all is okay with family.

  • Thanks Diane. Who would have thought we would be yacking for 8 years! Long may we continue.

    A bird in an Orroroo garden.

  • Saga continued. We drove through Dawson Gorge, crossing and re-crossing Dawson Creek. Here it is, not a drop of water.


    Arriving in Dawson, I didn’t have time for a close look at the roofless hotel, but tramped up the hill to the Catholic church, back to the Methodist. The latter was open, as the back door had fallen in! Also building was air-conditioned – large gaps and cracks in the walls. This is the view of the two churches and the Methodist dunny. I doubt the latter was usable!


    Next we drove to Peterborough Motel, early dinner. I had lamb shanks, fell off the bone, delicious, followed by a huge choice of desserts. I couldn’t resist pavlova. Then we were off to the Steamtown Sound & Light Show. Seated in an old rail carriage, we were shown the history of the town & railway. Excellent show. Back to motel & bed.

  • Sunday morning as the sun rose 7 am I was up and out photographing the Catholic church. Fr Norton designed the church & when he became bishop he continued to live in Peterborough. Much later a cathedral was erected in Port Pirie for this northern diocese.

    Adjacent to church is the former bishop’s house, now a B&B. A few years ago there were ghosts & murder evenings, but not enough tourists in SA.

    Returning I met 4 other cameras! Leisurely breakfast, choice of scrambled or poached eggs, bacon, sausage, mushroom, bubble & squeak, not to mention cereal, fruit, yogurt. I’ll definitely be staying at that motel when I escape to Peterborough (5-year-plan LOL).

    Packed up & on the bus to Black Rock, another ex-town, once a railway siding. The church is private residence, hall looking sad.

    This is former station master’s house looking forlorn. Last train 1988.

    Hotel closed 1980s, now claims to be art gallery but is it ever open? I found his work on YouTube. He says “What I paint, I hang on the wall. And if people buy it well thats great!.”

    To be continued

  • AQ: I love that bird - looks like a home-made piece.  If we didn't know, we'd think OZ is full of abandoned towns and decrepit churches. Will have to wait to Google all those places until I've got other stuff taken care of - um, early November at this rate!  EDIT: I like the Bishop's House; too bad the Murder/Mystery events didn't work out.

    Diane: You know, I can't remember starting this thread. Surely it must've been something suggested by the group?  If I started the posts, it was likely because UK folks were fast asleep by then and only the US contingent was awake.

    Have been sorting through airfares/reservations, etc.  Am horrified at what you have to pay for "nice" seat in Economy - I mean really - it's pure gouging. Pretty soon they'll be installing coin-operated doors on the bathrooms!  Or maybe rope ladders to get up to the Economy section.....  Boo hiss airlines.

    Off to bed; have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Lindy: I hope all is now well with your family. Sending you strength. 

    I owe replies to others. I'll do them tomorrow. 

    Take care, all. 

  • Good afternoon - thank you DIANE!

    AQ - I have started looking at the pics and reading about your trip, but will have to complete that happy job later. Getting stuff ready for the recycling depot. Eldest daughter will be here soon to assist with that and then I'm going to their home for the afternoon and will have evening meal with them.

  • Well, looks like a full change in the weather – began okayish, but drizzle started at lunch and has continued intermittently – and the barometer indicates quite a fall in pressure now.  But no complaints as we have been quite lucky for several days.  Went to church this morning – Girls’ Brigade enrolment service; some lively hymns but a dreary sermon – all about a famous Padre in WW1 – not much encouragement to the girls!  Saw a previous acquaintance from J’s church – she was there with her GB member granddaughter, so had a good blether.

    Diane – thanks for the cheery start to the week and the lovely pic of the Dahlia.

    Linda – sorry you have family problems – I hope you could sort things out today.

    Annette – nice to think that you are getting prepared for your autumn trip to the UK.

    Heather – it was good to see that you have been thinking through simplifying the garden and that your stepson is encouraging you in this.  Pleased you have help getting things to the tip, and a meal too!

    AQ – lots of lovely history on your trip, but sad that so many rural areas are being deserted while the cities just go on growing, but that seems to be universal to some extent.

    Will have a quiet day tomorrow, as quite a busy week coming up!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!