Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 August 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Young American Kestrel
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Unknown said:

    Today's pic:

    Horses with painted knees or Zebra with their socks rolled down?

    [/quote]LOL!!!  :-D

  • Thank you to everyone for their pics.

    LINDY  You have posted some wonderful pics.  Where do you find them?  The one of the scardy dog and the kittens made me LOL. A neighbour told mme her Siamese is terrified of next doors bunny.

    Well The Queensferry Crossing is officially opened by HM on Monday.  Where I used to work apart from the manager and his deputy the staff were all in their 20s and early 30 (apart from me.) We were discussing the new bridge, and one of them said she didn't know when the Forth Road Bridge was built.  I replied 1964 and I watched it being built.  Well Their chins just about hit the floor.  They just realised they were working with an antique.

  • Talking of loos,  I remember leaving home to go to Mums and having to stop at a Little Chef to use their toilet. It was just 12 miles down the road and I had used the loo immediately before leaving the house!!!!

    LINDY   love the tour guide joke.

    Should have said the the new bridge is pretty stunning. . We will be using it at the end of the month when we go to Linlithgow see Mum.   She was moved from the cottage hospital this week and is now in a care home.  My brother is pleased as it was his first choice. We have looked at the care commission report and it rates them as very good for everything except one, and that got good anyway. It will be good to see it for ourselves. We won't be coming all the way back in a oner, but are stopping off at our favourite hotel in Pitlochry for 2 nights. We have booked to see "High Society" at the Festival Theatre. Anyway the hotel is dog friendly so Benson is coming too.

  • Dibnlib:  That's my secret!  I steal the pics from another Site, where a kind man puts up such pics every day. But mine are dating way back in time so are not his current offerings. Sadly, he doesn't say where he gets them from, and not many of them have a tag explaining what/where they are.

    Laughed about the Siamese....

    The Bridge certainly looks stunning. I believe HM The Queen is going to do the official opening ceremony soon. EDIT - just realised you said, on Monday.  It's been lit up at night and looks wonderful.

    Glad your Mum is now settled somewhere nice. It must be a relief for you. I had to choose a Care Home for my Mum, who wasn't capable of choosing for herself after a series of strokes. I told her "I promise I won't put you anywhere I would hate to be, myself" The place we found was not glamorous or smart, but the staff were kind and friendly, and the place was owned by a family who loved old people. She was very happy there.

  • Hello all

    GEORGE - it was lovely to see you on here. I hope that the docs can sort out your swollen leg. Thanks for your kind words.

    HARELADY - So strange that the bookmark just appeared. It is a good mantra.

    ANNETTE - I laughed when I read about your neighbour's actions! I could never do anything like that, would have asked the police for a drive by. Having said that, I doubt whether such a thing would have happened here. The drive by, I mean!

    LINDY - safe journey home, so glad that the weather was a bit better for you this time.

    DIBNLIB - it will indeed be a relief for you to know that your Mum is in a good place. Yes, keep an eye on the Care Commission reports.

    My stepson was piloting a ship in the Forth the other night and passed under the new bridge when it was all lit up.

    I girded my loins this morning and got rid of quite a lot of pelargoniums :-( They would have carried on for longer but the garden bin will only continue to be emptied for another few weeks and there is a lot to do. Also did a bit of grapevine pruning. The grapes are just starting to ripen. Loads of Victoria plums but family members are coming to pick and take away. Spoke to stepson yesterday regarding chopping down some of the big fruit trees, the cherry, greengage and pear. He thinks it would be a good thing and has offered to put me in touch with a tree man that he has used himself.

  • We got home safely, and have eaten a late meal. We have a slight family problem, so I don't know if I'll be posting in the morning. Will let you all know how things are, when I can.


  • LINDY- glad you are home OK. Please do let us know how things are, if you feel able to do so xx