Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 August 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Young American Kestrel
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good evening, all.  We visited the Dyfi Osprey Project last weekend - if you'd like to see some photos click on His Gorgeous Montyness:

    The osprey photos are in my second post on the thread.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LYNETTE   We got gooseberries from a local farm recently. OH loves them,I don' t. We always associate Victoria plums with my Mums birthday which is on 12th Sept.

  • Good Morning, All.  Sunny here again, which is nice for those having the day off on the Bank Holiday. 

    I never ate plums until I was grown up, either, then I tried my dear mother-in-law's plum pie and custard - a revelation!

    I have a busy day ahead, as off to visit Friend (who has had her sister, her OH and large dog to stay) then off to collect an order from M&S before coming home to pack, as we hope to go away tomorrow.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "They're all mine!"

  • I had a wonderful weekend – promise to tell more when I have time. We saw lots of kangaroos hopping across roads, in paddocks, some singles, some groups. We disturbed one wedge-tailed eagle perching on a roadside fence post. And emus, the most I ever seen, including this large flock NNE of Peterborough, snapped through tinted bus window. I have not cropped pic, so you can see the country that broke farmers’ hearts as it is beyond the “line” of reliable rainfall. (Annual mean rainfall for Peterborough is 14½ ins.) You can see not much green and yet this is the end of our winter, the wet season.

  • Heather – It seems to me you do have a big garden. Firstly don’t do anything hasty. Make plans in your head, on paper, think ponder. Too many trees? Select those unwanted & find someone to remove them. Leaves? I love the look of them strewn on the ground turning themselves into mulch. Simplify, Simplify. I love bulbs because they look after themselves, shrubs that don’t need pruning and/or are slow-growing. Our local council provides a service for oldies. I don’t know details or small charge but Friend was thinking of seeking help. Maybe you have something similar. Would your OH have left the garden the same when he found it harder to maintain? Finally (I’ve nearly finished my lecture) I think you have to adapt to what you can do. {{{HUGS}}}

  • Good morning - actually got up early this morning and took OH by surprise, not needing to wake me!  Not a bank Hol here in Scotland, so J has gone to work.  OH has gone to M&S Food.  Going to make use of time on my own, while I have some energy!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG I have the best of both worlds re BH as OH works for an English based company he will be off today :-)

  • Have a good day, WENDY, make the most of it, especially with Daughter visiting too!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Have been rushing about.  Friend is looking better, but still on painkillers. She sees the Consultant who did the op next Thursday, so will ask about the amount of pain she's been having, and seems rather excessive.

    Got my trousers which were on order from M&S and very pleased with them - the right length, oh, joy!! Just plain navy blue ones in a mid weight fabric, so useful.

    Back later with a post about downsizing, which I mentioned to Heather the other day, but then didn't enlarge upon.....