Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 August 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Young American Kestrel
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hey Diane: Thank you. They're talking feet of rain in Texas, not inches!!

  • Ooh!! -  he's just gorgeous, Diane!!   Thanks for starting us off again.

    Good Morning, Everyone.  Dry here.  Terrifying wind speeds in Texas, hope there's no loss of life.

  • Today's pic:

    These are some more of the blue flower visible from my window in the sparrowhawk pic -  aliums. This pot has been by the conservatory steps so that we can enjoy them every time we go out of the door.

  • LINDY   Beautiful blue flowers.

    Seen pics of the devastation in Texas. What a nightmare and I heard there is going to bad another couple of days of this atrocious weather.

  • Good morning.  Lovely Kestrel, DIANE, and thanks for starting us off.  Bad situation in South Texas.

    LINDA - beautiful Blue Alliums - haven't seen them that shade before.

    Good morning, DIBNLIB - how is your heel?

    I haven't gone to church - keep falling asleep whether lying, sitting or even standing.  Blaming the weekly med on Saturdays - possibly interfering with one of the daily ones.  Will change its day next week and see how I am then.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning all - thank you DIANE for starting the week.

    OG - Good idea to change the day - at least if you are sleepy you can be so on a more convenient day? I'm assuming that you have already looked up the drug interactions etc.

    LINDY - those alliums remind me of the agapanthus we brought back from Madeira years ago. I don't think that they liked the climate in North Scotland. We have another failure here, a bignonia that we brought back from Normandy. It has never flowered. I suppose that we knew that it might not. Actually, I'm not sure if we should have been importing flowers....

    I heard the latest about the Texas weather on the radio last night. Awful and much more rain to come, it seems.

    I have a piece of pork in the oven. Blaming OG. Since she had it a couple of weeks ago, I've been craving it. Crackling, apple sauce - yum!

    Was up at middle daughter's home for dinner last evening, Callum fetched me and I got a taxi home since he was going out with his pals. Now I hear that he didn't arrive home until 3.30am and to make matters worse he had to drive down to Edinburgh at 0630. Silly boy. Alison is not a happy mummy today. At least he wasn't drinking, he had his car with him last night.

    Not a bad day here. I expect that BENSON was happy to go out, DIBNLIB!

    Now going to rake up loads of fallen greengages. Stepdaughter in law is coming in today to pick Victoria plums. I wish more folk liked greengages. My OH could eat them non stop, standing at the end of the garden, juice dribbling down his chin!

  • Heather - You are probably right, and they are indeed agapanthus.  I couldn't remember this morning, what they were, and of course nothing in our garden has a label on it as Bonnie loves to chew them up! I do keep some labels from plants in a kitchen drawer, for reference.

    I put them all in one big pot, and let them just flower together as a big splash of colour. I like pots because I can move them around as they come in and out of flower.

    My OH loves to stand under our plum tree, eating them. Don't know anyone who eats greengages nowadays, it's true. (My tablet keeps changing that to "greenhouses", and the agapanthus became "avalanches".......)

  • HEATHER   I love greengage though not quite as much as Victoria plums, also love roast pork.  You are making me feel soooo hungry Benson had a good walk this morning and I am just about to try again in a few minutes.   Not much sleep for Callum, I guess he will have a very early night  or maybe he is sleeping right now.

    OG    Heel as before, but maybe a wee bit better. See Dr again on Fri. Thanks for asking.  Hope you get your meds sorted so you aren't too tired when you have plans.

  • Sorry your heel is bothering you, Dibnlib. No fun. Hope the Doc can help.

  • HEATHER - enjoy the pork, but don't bother sending any crackling here - teeth aren't up to it!  Naughty Callum!  Your Daughter must have been going frantic by 3:30 am.  I've never even tried greengages - didn't even like plums till I was grown up, and gages look so sour!

    LINDA - on close inspection - one eye closed, and the other focussing better without specs - I agree they are agapanthus!

    Well, I seem to have woken up, and just had a good lunch with J while OH is out at a meeting at church - having done his strimming this morning!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!