Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 August 2017

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  • OG    Glad to see you are more able these days.

    Swam 50 lengths this morning. Haven't done that in quite a  while, mostly because of timing for meeting friends for coffee. Today the time was my own. Won't swim tomorrow as it is a friends birthday so a few of us are having lunch at a pub in Ardersier.

  • Lindybird:  Pic of horse admired by all here. I think the framed photo of Ms D and the poem is in danger of becoming a family heirloom. People further down the generations will ask: Who was Lindybird? You'll be this mythical person who will eventually end up in family lore as a talented relative!  :-)

    AQ: Oh right, THAT Keith! I got him confused with the Camelot Lancelots!  Read the Wikipedia description as a small "charming" town at first, then noticed "farming."  So it's the "lucerne" capital of OZ?  Had to Google lucerne to find out it's what we call alfalfa. Gosh, such challenges first thing in the morning!  :-))   Congrats on the sparkling bathroom.

    OG: Any butter/mayo with that cheese? Sounds a bit dry. Goat is nowhere near as engaging as a dog; and this one has preference for flowers over grass; even turns up its nose at some weeds.  Really.

    dibnlib: 50 lengths sounds way beyond my reach (of course it would help if I could actually swim).  Never learned to do more than make an aspect of myself splashing about vainly...

    OK, lots on today, so time to hose off....

  • ANNETTE   love the pic of Ms D and the cheeky goat.   Yes for me I would need butter and mayo, in fact anything that is not diet friendly.  For your info 40 lengths is 1/2 mile........keep splashing!!!!!

  • You keep splashing too, DIBNLIB!

    I agree, Miss Delilah is tall and obviously takes after her GG.

    Yes OG, Mia is tall but one of my nephews is 6 foot seven! You would be ashamed of my meal this evening. Two slices of hot buttered toast with salmon pate. I just didn't fancy a proper meal.

  • Unknown said:
    Do like that photo of the harbormaster!  That looks like they're transporting a painting or something...  

    That's his advertising board.  They keep things simple at the Ferry.

    If you want to use the foot ferry you have to stand on the jetty and wave a plastic bat in the air!  That has tickled so many visitors I've lost count.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather B - a little of what you fancy is worth much much more than a "proper meal" that you really don't want sometimes.  Glad you enjoyed it!!

  • Good evening, all.  I'm afraid I've been to the Ferry again....I woke up much too early this morning and decided to take advantage of the beautiful conditions.  If you'd like to see some photos click on this lovely pair of crows:

    Actually I think they could well be a parent and child rather than a pair.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  A busy day here yesterday: Eldest arrived OK at lunchtime, after I had made a dash to the hairdressers. Amber and Bonnie became an immediate inseparable pair, with Bonnie being very good about being mauled about.  Eventually, we had to give her some spells in her sleeping crate, to get some peace. Sis in law came to visit, as she is off on holiday tomorrow but had not seen Amber for a year.

    All went to bed tired last night, and my OH tells me that there was loud thunder and lightening at around midnight, but I slept through everything!

  • Today's pic:

    Sorry, don't know the ID of this pretty creature.

  • Lovely sunny day though quite windy. OH put some stuff down on front grass yesterday so can't garden there. Have pottered a bit at the back and done some tidying up in between throwing toys for Benson.

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