Hi everyone, a mixed day, intruders about, lots of shouting and shrieking and mantling. EJ and the young ones saw them off though.
Not sure how many fish, I think 4 were delivered. All had something to eat eventually, Greedy guts (#1) hogged fish when it could but I suppose that is the norm. Middle and younges still haven't fledged but whethe they will in the next few days who knows as the weather forecast is pretty grim for this part of the country
Leave you with the bairns all close together, sleeping. Happy viewing, see you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Maybe EJ has seen Odin with a fish!
--this was her a minute ago, then she flew off shouting, now she's looking for Odin with a fish I think...
She has been watching intently - is she seeing Odin eating the head off the latest fish?
Odin with a good sized fish!!
Odin brings a fish. 16:10
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
By the way thanks for all the updates and great pics, especfially Alicat and the profiles of the two younger ones.
and Odin arrives with a fish.
Some right chunnering going on as EJ begins to feed two of them whilst one hangs back.
They all ducked when he landed! not much room on there now! Then as you can see above, a big rush of wings while they sort themselves out. Now EJ is distributing
''f you look above my comment, I was thanking Brenda for pointing out that there had been further development on the Main Blog including a couple of new (long) explanations from the Staff to someone who has been a bl**sed nuisance on there lately.''
Oh, OK Lindy - it really does deserve to be ignored doesnt' it? Just unbelievable. And doesn't require any response (except professional - ie Staff) to dignify it in my opinion, The whole episode is simple GROSS misunderstanding.
Now then, I HOPE it's Eldest sitting down ignoring the fish. Any ideas anyone? I've only just got back.
Sorry Cirrus - just been in other room talking to my OH --- They all seem to be eating OK now so no one left out.
(Goodness, hope you didnt think I was referring to you in any way over the above stuff!!!! - heaven forbid!)