Hi everyone, a mixed day, intruders about, lots of shouting and shrieking and mantling. EJ and the young ones saw them off though.
Not sure how many fish, I think 4 were delivered. All had something to eat eventually, Greedy guts (#1) hogged fish when it could but I suppose that is the norm. Middle and younges still haven't fledged but whethe they will in the next few days who knows as the weather forecast is pretty grim for this part of the country
Leave you with the bairns all close together, sleeping. Happy viewing, see you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Oh dear, are these two sharing that fish?
my photos in flickr
Now the sad one approaches. He tries pecking at tail end. Woo Hoo. He succeeds in dragging fish away. The other decides to wingercise then look for scraps.
That fish is so big that there should be leftovers. I must sign out now, bye-bye AQ and anybody else online :)
Bye Auntie. The second GEM is still feeding himself but rather awkwardly.
EJ flies in with a FISH. The second GEM looks up to the post and Lo, down flies the Eldest. EJ is feeing Eldest. Second GEM wanders off as the first returns to the 7 am fish (it must have been a whale!!!) to feed.
Two fish & 4 ospreys on nest. Anyone else out there? I've got to get our tea. Bye
Still 4 ospreys on the nest and 2 are still feeding. I think one of those 2 is EJ because every so often she gives a piece of fish to the chick next to her.
I'm currently having trouble picking out EJ from the crowd :-)
I think that EJ now has the fish to herself.
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
EJ has just been alarm calling and no.1 chick returned to the nest after a flyabout.
One of them flattened in the bottom of the nest
Morning, all: See that there has been fish already :-) !
Not too noisy at present, just the odd chirp! Agree with Barbara Jean in her earlier note that Eldest sounds just like Odin with his sharp piercing cry
EDIT: Please don't ask me which this one is, I havnt the faintest, they are all bedraggled!