DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Saturday, 29 July 2017

"Twiggy." is cementing his relationship with CT6 with "fish 'n sticks", but after early morning appearances we were bereft all day and left to waste our energies with speculation and to agonise over absent friends.

Sparrowkin kindly responded re the late evening intruder incident on 14 July:

sparrowkin said:

...our shift finished at 22:00 and I note the time on that clip is 22:24 so after Pru and I had gone back to our digs.


This morning the Pine Marten appeared briefly, not venturing nearer than the far edge tho.  I wonder how many times I've missed it while scooting thru catchup?  (I've since double-checked the night and couldn't find any earlier visit.)

Video to follow, need to work on the blasted interference to try to reveal mysterious vocals.

The mysterious noises came from elsewhere, but there is knocking after he disappears:


This is now - it seems to have been a very still night.