WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 22, 2017

Hi all. Going to see what I've missed in the last day or so...

  • Lynette: Sorry about the house auction.  Is there no action your brother can take against the landlord? I'm obviously missing something, but can he simply move out and find somewhere else to live?

    OG: Nice to hear about your outings, etc. Also that J seems to be enjoying himself.

    Harelady: Clearly, more visits with brand new family members are called for. Hope you had good weather for Framlingham.

    Lindybird: A pair of kippers indeed!  :-))  Gosh, so it wasn't a typo as you apparently ate them for dinner. I was going to ask if they were fur lined. Photo of Prince George photo was on our national news last night; he's got a cute smile and seems rather endearingly shy.

    Heather: Love the idea of new memories; at the rate you all get together, they should be piling up thick and fast.

    PatO: Sorry you got rained on. My niece in Newport Pagnell says the weather has been just awful.

    WendyB: Hope the dog looses his hat sooner than later.

    Diane: I see you guys are in for some violent weather tomorrow. Watch out for trees on your property!

  • Thanks Annette for starting us off

    I’ve been busy planning possible excursion with Chauffeur Friend. I’ve emailed notes and hope she is feeling well enough to escape. As Dau’s virus had moved to her chest and she was not feeling 100%, I went with them for the Little People’s holiday activity making wind socks – cardboard, coloured paper, streamers and lots & lots of glue. Life returns to normal, or at least normal bedtime now my tour of France is over. I did smile to see young Charlotte have a meltdown. The Terrible Twos?



    Doesn't she look like a teenager? It's Miss5 with her diary.

  • MissL & her bunnies

    MissJ mothering her duck. Hair styled by big sister.

  • What beautiful girls - they grow up so quickly. It seems only yesterday you were telling us of the twins impending arrival.

    Heavy rain here in Suffolk overnight but bright sky now We are off to Snape Maltings later then a walk on the cliffs at Leiston if the weather holds.

    Have a good Sunday all.

  • Good Morning.  Thank you to Annette for starting us off.

    What a treat to come on and see the super pictures of the girls, AQ!  They are happy souls. Hope your daughter soon recovers.

    Dry here this morning, but showers could still surprise us.....

  • Here's today's pic:

    "Its always spring somewhere in the world, so I'm ready!"

  • Good morning, and another new week – thanks, Annette.  Got “my wings clipped” today – not adding to trips out as I feel quite unwell – blaming combination of three of my nine current meds, as usual antibiotic is the major suspect, but only a few more days of that.  So OH will go to church without me, and we shall miss the cream tea at Waterbeck church -don’t think cream would do me much good anyway.

    AQ – I hope your friend will soon be up to making the trip you have planned.  Glad you were able to take the girls to the holiday activity.  They are all growing up so fast, especially Miss 5 – lovely photos!

    Harelady – enjoy your family time today – do you have a lunch at Snape Maltings on Sundays?  I hope it won’t be too windy on the cliffs – take care.

    Came across these left on the camera from earlier in the month – a couple of leucistic visitors to our feeders:


    Totally white Starling (but not pink eyes).  Note yellowish-pink beak and pink legs!



    Almost all-white feral pigeon:

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: Now I not only know what leucistic means, but the difference between leucism and albinism. Thank you! And feel better.

    AQ; Darling girls! Ms 5? Really? Amazing.  She looks tall. Cutie twins too. I can imagine the fun you have with them, but also see the potential for mischief in those cheeky smiles. :-)  Hope your friend is well enough to escape.

    Harelady: Fingers crossed that the weather held for your outing.

    Lindybird;  Lightning probably looked like that when she was young.

  • We went for a walk this morning, and Bonnie enjoyed playing with other dogs we met on our way.

    Had a bit of a  d o z e  this afternoon, and sorted some reading matter out. Must do some ironing, now!!

    Enjoyed your photos, OG.  Sorry to see that the meds are making you feel what we used to call "grotty" when I was younger (I always thought it was a very good word for it.....) Hope you're going to feel better once your system settles down, perhaps.

  • Wet day not a lot done by me...

    Daisy still grumpy as stitches need to go but Friday will be the earliest for that :-(

    OH took himself to MY shed which now looks like a beach hut to paint a duel garden chair on similar colour ...