WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 22, 2017

Hi all. Going to see what I've missed in the last day or so...

  • I have been taking Calcium + Vitamin D tablets daily for years. Also fish oil capsules, supposed to be good for arthritis & cholesterol. Miss5 is tall for her age. She showed me her diary, writing one sentence per day, with occasional requests re spelling. I’m amazed how well she writes after only 5 months at school. A voracious reader too. That’s in the genes LOL. MissL is a fraction taller than MissJ. When the twins play together they chatter non-stop.

  • Lindybird: Can't miss with a colt.  :-)

    Heather: OMG. Well, as  you say, not an unexpected outcome for OH's daughter and agree it's good that OH not around to bear the bad news. Her brother must remember the years before things went downhill....  Hugs to you...  Glad you had a  good day with the family - more to come I'm sure.

    Diane: Welcome home; hope no trees came down while you were away. Good luck with the car battery. Wow, that's a wake up calll I could live without; hope it wasn't too badly hurt..

    Harelady:  I wonder if having the new house will help due (perhaps)  to no old memories there...  Do take care and hope you have folks you can call on for cups of tea and support as needed, not to mention more visits from tiny family members.  :-)   Is your new place very far from your former home?  You mentioned you were going to look for a job (I think!). Any idea where to start or will you put that off until you're more settled?  Just took at look at the menu for the Kitchen at Thorpenesss - it looks really wonderul. Yum!

    AQ: I also take Calcium (Citrate) and Vit D and have been for years.  How wonderful that Miss 5 loves to read.  Do they teach handwriting (called cursive here) in OZ. Some schools here aren't, which is horrifying...

    Busy days here and tomorrow I'm off to Santa Maria to meet grandson and partner for an early dinner to talk about their upcoming trip (in October) to the UK and Paris.  Am going to make a day of it and have a putter around Target, my favorite store, and TJMaxx; am feeling quite giddy at the prospect.  :-))

    Take care all.

  • Good Morning, All.  Dull and damp here, but should brighten up. I'm off to visit Friend later, after doing the chores this morning.

    Diane - Glad you're safe home, after your break. That's rotten, finding your car feeling off colour, just when you need her hale and hearty! Hope it's OK.

    Harelady - HUGS to you, hope you can settle into your home now.

    AQ - Miss5 Looks tall alright - what is it with children these days, they're all giants! Nice to hear that they're all doing well.

  • I don't take Vit D.  I probably get enough from the sunshine -- I'm so brown after a couple of days of sunshine in the garden recently, that people keep asking where I've been on holiday!

  • Here's todays pic:

    "What do you mean, I've got big feet??"

  • Got busy yesterday, starting to restore the house to normality.  Since coming home, I had been using an extra table by my chair (so one each side) to save having to ask people to pass things to me.  Using my pockets, I moved a lot of small stuff to other rooms, moved the extra table round (dragging it as I sat), dragged my normal table into its usual position and filled it and the magazine rack underneath with the contents of both, and then managed to push the extra table to its home.  OH was very surprised when he saw what I had done!  This morning, I have successfully tested my ability to get down onto a kitchen stool, sit a while and get up again, so the chair I had used there has gone back in the dining room.  Still very slow, but this is all progress!

    Just had a phonecall from my GP to ask how I am!  She really is good that way, and is happy to see me again next week to discuss meds again.  Also just heard from J who is on Inverness station, just about to board his train to Edinburgh.  Decent weather again today, but not sure what OH can achieve , with having to meet a train this afternoon.  I think he is intending to mow the back grass (can’t really dignify it with the name of “lawn”).

    Harelady (and others) – I don’t take any vitamin supplements – I was on Vit D and Calcium at one time, and I do have regular bone density scans, which are apparently satisfactory.  In a normal year, I spend  a lot of time outside – NOT sunbathing!

    AQ – so pleased your Miss 5 enjoys reading and writing, and great that she is writing regularly in her diary!  Lovely that the twins chatter away to each other – do they have their own special language yet?  Our Granddaughters still do – and their ages are six years apart (23 and 17!)

    Annette – loved your comment on Lindy’s Colt picture – I assume it was an intentional double entendre!  Enjoy your time with Grandson and Girlfriend – they are lucky to have your advice about travelling in Europe - and enjoy pottering around Sa Maria.

    Linda – I hope your Friend is beginning to feel better and with less pain.

    Heather – I hope you are enjoying time with your Son and keeping your mind off other people’s problems.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:

    OG: That's impressive! Good for you being so resourceful in reorganizing the house.  Oh my, it must have been an unconscious play on words with the colt - went right over my head, but not yours.  :-)  Hope J has no more mishaps on his trip.

    Lindybird: Not sure about big feet, but gray, yellow and white are a nice combination (texture could be a bit smoother though..) Hope you find your friend in good spirits.

    Off to sort out the world.

  • Lynette: Sorry about the house auction.  Is there no action your brother can take against the landlord? I'm obviously missing something, but can he simply move out and find somewhere else to live?
    Annette - I think he , through his solicitor, is going to try and sue this landlord as he has left the house unfinished and in a right state.  He won't move out in case he can't be allowed back in.  Its all a bit of a mess but I do hope that he will get some sort of justice in the near future. It has been the family home for 60 years at least and he has it through a protective tenancy agreement. Its unfortunate that the house has changed hands 3 times since it was sold at auction back in about 2003. We use to go up and stay overnight on Boxing Day but haven't been able to for the last 2 years.
  • Thanks for all your news.

    HeatherB - its always sad when someone throws away their life due to an addiction but so often we don't realise just how hard it is to give it up.  Maybe she is at peace now. Sad for the family though, thoughts are with you.

    OG - hope you soon start to pick up after side effects of medication.

    AQ - lovely pics of the twins and Miss5.

    Harelady - glad to hear that you are trying to keep busy and getting back to some sort of normality.

    Diane - will look at vid. Sounds like an adventure for that woman and to stay calm - right thing to do.   Nice to see you are now back home.

  • OG  - pleased to see that you are getting a little more mobile - as you say - its all progress. Slow and steady.