WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 22, 2017

Hi all. Going to see what I've missed in the last day or so...

  • Real summer has returned here – and we are forecast about 23 degrees today!  OH has gone to the dentist for a small filling where he had lost one – will do the messages on his way home.

    Wendy – OH using your shed?  Maybe you should get him one of his own and paint it a contrasting colour?  I hope Daisy will cheer up a bit – grumpy dog is not good!

    AQ – had to go back and have a second look at those lovely girls!  I hope you found some enjoyable reading to pass the time while OH gets his fill of television!  Did thinking about the weeds produce any action?

    Linda – we are having to face the fact that the whole ironing pile is ours while J is away!

    Heather – what terrible news for you all at the end of a lovely day, and as you say a life wasted.  How is her brother taking it?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather what a really sad thing...as you say it has to be the persons choice to change.

    OG He was allowed shed ( beach hut) access as he was painting a double seat with table insert similar colour for me....he has an enormous double garage painted boring brown. My log store is attached to it but I painted it black.

    Daisy still trying to tear out her stitches so whenever left alone it's lampshade...she just blunders around being very annoying..

    Dull and a tad chilly here.

  • OG - answering your question - Her brother is struggling to absorb the news, even though he knew how unlikely it was that she would live to be an old lady. He has memories that I don't have, of their childhood etc and is now the only one left, both parents dead and now his sister. To lose a parent and your only sibling in such a short space of time must be awful.

  • The sun has come out here, now, after a dull morning with a rather cold wind. Didn't know what to wear to go to town -- then had to park a long way from where I wanted, then walk back. As I walked, I saw at least three empty spaces I could have fitted the car into which had appeared since!  At least the walk will have done me good!

    Have processed the pics in my camera, so hope to get around to the Flower Show ones soon (I put them onto disc, as with this camera there is no usb cable to get them into my pc directly).

    OG -- I see that Scotland is getting most of the sunshine today! Hope that EE had a successful bit of dentistry.

  • Heather B said:

    OG - answering your question - Her brother is struggling to absorb the news, even though he knew how unlikely it was that she would live to be an old lady. He has memories that I don't have, of their childhood etc and is now the only one left, both parents dead and now his sister. To lose a parent and your only sibling in such a short space of time must be awful.

    I must have crossed posts with you, Heather. How hard for your stepson. And now funeral arrangements will have to be made. 

  • I'm back at home. Thanks for starting the thread, Annette.

    OG: I loved the last photo you posted of Miriam. She's very photogenic and could be an infant model!

    AQ: Your grandchildren are so, so beautiful. The oldest is looking very tall and graceful. Just lovely children.

    OG: I hope you're feeling better.

    Heather: I'm so very sorry for your family's loss. Hugs to you.

    Sorry for the short replies. I must get myself organized. The heat sapped my car battery while I was gone, so I need to get it charged before it rains (again!). I have an appointment tomorrow, and I need groceries. My cupboard and fridge are bare!

  • Watch the video at the link. A panicked mountain lion ran into an apartment complex parking lot, where it was startled by a resident. It crashed through a window and landed on the bed of a sleeping woman! The woman remained calm, got up, and opened the door to let the big cat out!

    Wildlife officials said that the frantic mountain lion may have thought it was jumping into a cave when it went through the window. That would give you a rush of adrenaline -- to wake up and find a mountain lion on the bed with you!

  • What sad news Heather, as you say the person must accept they need help and want to change their lives.

    My Son, Partner and Baby James have left to drive back to London so I am on my own for the first time in a few weeks. Everyone has been very kind and caring but I must get back to normality or I will go mad. Still have lots to do in new place so that will keep me busy and because of the rain we have had over last few days I can't get garden sorted.

    Weather was kind whilst at Snape Maltings yesterday but we had only been out of the car for a few minutes at Sizewell Beach when the heavens opened.

    Today I took everyone out for breakfast to The Kitchen at Thorpeness - very nice food. Son had a full breakfast and his partner went for eggs Benedict whilst I had a bacon sarnie.

    This afternoon we have had torrential rain and its still going now. Although I see Glasgow had 26 degrees today so at least someone is getting some sun.

  • Diane – welcome home – I am sure the local critters were pleased to see you!  I hope you can scrape together some food until you can get groceries!

    Harelady – sorry it has turned so wet there – we have a dry forecast again tomorrow, and there have been mowers buzzing about all day today.  OH is currently mowing our front, having strimmed and trimmed this afternoon.  Don’t overdo the lifting and stretching as you organise indoors – and go out for some fresh air and vitamin D when you can!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - yes I need to keep up my Vit D - last year doc said I was in need of an intensive 3 week course of Vit D following a blood test that show I was totally depleted. She said that so many people cover up or use very high factor sun screen that they are not getting enough. But then I went to my dentist for a check up and he said I had sun damage above my top lip - we just can't win can we.