WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 22, 2017

Hi all. Going to see what I've missed in the last day or so...

  • I've just seen the 1st picture which you put on, AQ --  we must have crossed each other as we posted...  How beautiful, I love the birds.

  • OG-LOVE the deck and plants! Well worth the wait.

  • Sorry - didn't get back - GD stayed longer after all as others travelling behind her were delayed on the A66.  Then I had to write shopping list and send OH out, and then it was time for us to go out for meal booked at OTB.  Now tired, so Good Night and I'll try to do better tomorrow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Night, OG - sounds like a good day, nonetheless!!

  • AQ -- We say "It's my shout" when we buy a round of drinks or similar, here, so maybe we copied it from you.

    The wind here has died down somewhat, and a better day is forecast for tomorrow. We're wondering which of our neighbours will turn up to spend the weekend, it varies of course. People come here from all parts of the North of UK, plus a few from the Midlands. Some bring dogs, and one couple even bring their parrot with them!!

    Time I put the lights out....goodnight.

  • Good night! Here it is good morning. And a good one it is too. Sun is shining. OH says I missed the wind - he gets up before dawn. News full of trees down in suburbs closer to & in hills. Expecting rain this arvo. Nah Nah, I washed yesterday and it's all dry.

    OG - I'm sure you will enjoy your deck. I envy your pots. I don't have green thumbs with pot plants. Nor with seeds. None of those I sprinkled a few weeks ago have appeared. However the self-sown marigolds are popping up like weeds. I shall have to be satisfied with them & bulbs.

    Heather - Lovely that the family are keeping you busy.

  • Evening all:

    AQ; What a lovely birthday surprise (Happy Belated Birthday by the way!) from friend and ancient gentleman at church. Did you take photos of the 40' windows? Ah yes, there's one!  Looks very much like what we see in the UK, etc...   Love the keyhole window and was already peering past it at the tree and houses beyond.  Here, people give a "shout out" as a way of drawing attention to someone they (typically) want to thank or acknowledge for some reason.

    Lindybird:  Well, good tooth doesn't hurt; now we hope  it isn't too expensive to fix.

    Busy day here, with all eyes and ears on the doings in Washington DC.  Never a dull moment these days - though plenty of opportunities for disgust at tweets and comments from the Orange Menace himself and his new best friend, Scaramucci.  Yuk!  

    Have a good Saturday everyone.

  • Annette – It wasn’t my birthday – that was months ago. But I shall accept any birthday wishes LOLOL. It was Chauffeur Friend who didn’t want to spend her birthday alone. I do wonder how our reporters would fill our news hours & newspapers if it weren’t for the shenanigans across the ocean.

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here as promised.

    Annette - Trump gives us a daily amusement. I would love to be a fly on the wall and see what really goes on in the Oval Office!

    Edit:  AQ - I keep going back to examine those windows, they really are something!

  • Here's today's pic:

    "Come on, son!"