DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Wednesday, 19 July 2017

SheilaFE said:
tomorrow is another day of waiting

We are looking at it now. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild

This is the scene I caught through my soundless VLC stream before it shut down, about 10 seconds after I fired it up. :(  I guess if there is work being done in the VC, at least we may not be missing much on the nest. We'd all be up in arms if it was hatching or fledging time at Loch Garten!

No doubt that besides a report of early morn skydancing, the highlight of the day had to be this UNIQUE capture of a Great Tit (of three keepers) done by our unquestionably UNIQUE scylla. :-D This is the closest competition to seeing EJ on the nest in recent days! I hope LG sorts its technical woes, and I pray for EJ's well being wherever she may be. We may see her on the nest yet if we get the stream back! In the meantime, thanks to Moffer and Mike for contacting Aviemore and LG for sighting  and technical fix reports.

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