DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Tuesday, 18 July 2017

The osprey only come for scylla first thing in the early morning! It was a 4 page day.

To many of us it looked like CT6's partner (whoever that is---here's BNN's comparisons) who brought a stick and diligently nestorized EJ's nest while waiting and looking. We got a look at the back of his head but I couldn't say that it was X marks the spot. Terribly unsatisfactory. :-( Here's scylla's video even tho' we've all seen it! :-D

Nuffink for the rest of the day except for a brief skydance from an unseen osprey, and no joy from Aviemore FB when asked about morning fishing---they haven't had any sighting of EJ either. So we'll wait to see what comes (if anything) tomorrow. It may be that all osprey are shifting their thoughts towards fall, and that the youngsters are tiring of playing house. We will likely not know anything more until next Spring 2018, when we will biting our fingernails waiting for dear EJ to show herself, and find out if she will have found a reliable male. Even if he can't be as handsome as Odin, we would forgive him...

Dark on the nest at present. Only a very light breeze. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild

Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • I don't think EJ had any particular problems at nest site but absolutely nothing to keep her there at present...CT6 has been a frequent visitor but comparing her visits with any ensuing territory battle between the two have been minimal. Even although EJ was still in the area she was coming to the nest less and less often. She has probably just gone wandering as many do when they first arrive back in the area and also prior to leaving. Given that there is no activity on the nest of any osprey kind I think it indicates travelling rather than sinister.

  • You could well be right CC.  Perhaps it is better to think that way, than the inevitable idea that she has died.  Aviemore is under ten miles, may be only six or seven as the osprey flies, but I'm not sure.  Rothiemurchus is the same.  I can't believe that we could have lost both EJ and Odin in the same year.  But at this rate I am unlikely to see her if she does return!  The whirlygiggy thing is going around like a roundabout!  I get a short view when I refresh and off it goes again.

    Edit Thank you Lmac for your positive thoughts!  Yep... I will believe she is exploring the beautiful countryside further south in Perthshire.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • We will stay positive girs and boys and wait, a very long 6 months and see what will unfold and happen. Chins up.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Ohhhh Sheila..dont worry..i

    f that were the case there would still be osprey activity at the nest. There has been a good spell of weather over the last few days and that is all set to change tomorrow. I remember the year Mallachie was last to leave and EJ left only to return a few days later to help Mallachie on her way. Ej has also history remember she disappeared to set up home at Blue XDs nest and Odin pined at LG for her. She will be just fine...

  • I have been reading every single post since returning from LG on Saturday with great concern and interest. You all have so much more knowledge than me and I am so worried for EJ. I only 'met' her last week and she appears to have had a bit of a rough time this year, what with being 'widowed' and then losing her chicks. I do hope she has just gone 'flyabout' and is safe. My logical mind tells me she would not desert her home of 14 years but has no real need to defend it at this time of year possibly wasting much  needed energy for her migratory flight, but then I don't suppose Osprey use human logic??  I would love to know she's ok all the same :(  concerned as she has not been seen at her usual fishing haunt either :(


  • I did manage to get live pictures of the Loch Garten Osprey webcam yesterday, but today I haven't managed to get the live webcam working and tonight no difference. I've emailed the Loch Garten email address 3 days ago, but no reply as of yet.



  • Hi Sprrowkin, I also was privileged to see the lady herself a few weeks ago on my first visit to LG, it was awaome to see her for real. We are all in the same boat, as to speak, not knowing, but we will keep our fingers crossed and wait patiently to see what unfolds. They have all gone, not just EJ, so hopefully they have taken advantage of the good weather and started their journey south.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Mike B said:
    Rung LG and they are having WiFi installed so work in progress which will affect the LS.

    How strange, I wonder what brought that on at this time of the season?

    Anyway, I've written to Carnyx just in case they could reboot the encoding PC just in case that would "do anything" ;)

  • Unknown said:
    I haven't managed to get the live webcam working and tonight no difference.

    There's been techie stuff going on at the VC and we're all suffering, Thomo, as reported in this thread :(

  • "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

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