DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Tuesday, 18 July 2017

The osprey only come for scylla first thing in the early morning! It was a 4 page day.

To many of us it looked like CT6's partner (whoever that is---here's BNN's comparisons) who brought a stick and diligently nestorized EJ's nest while waiting and looking. We got a look at the back of his head but I couldn't say that it was X marks the spot. Terribly unsatisfactory. :-( Here's scylla's video even tho' we've all seen it! :-D

Nuffink for the rest of the day except for a brief skydance from an unseen osprey, and no joy from Aviemore FB when asked about morning fishing---they haven't had any sighting of EJ either. So we'll wait to see what comes (if anything) tomorrow. It may be that all osprey are shifting their thoughts towards fall, and that the youngsters are tiring of playing house. We will likely not know anything more until next Spring 2018, when we will biting our fingernails waiting for dear EJ to show herself, and find out if she will have found a reliable male. Even if he can't be as handsome as Odin, we would forgive him...

Dark on the nest at present. Only a very light breeze. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild

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