Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 July 2017


The Full Moon is at:

5:07 a.m. Sunday morning in the U.K.

12:07 a.m. (just after midnight Saturday night) in the eastern U.S.

9:07 p.m. Saturday night in California

The July Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Buck Moon or the Full Thunder Moon.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • OG - Sundae dishes! I remembered and then saw your post which confirmed it. I only keep them because they were part of my childhood but never use them. Likewise her Spode dinner service which is not dishwasher safe and is heavily patterned so extremely and deeply unfashionable nowadays. ANNETTE - Limoges, must be beautiful. Sigh.  

  • Arghhh. Hate to see Venus being so roundly defeated. Only a miracle at this point....  No miracle, but a really well deserved victory for the newcomer.

    Heather: Yes, the Limoges is lovely - green and purple with plums. Bowls are, as you noted earlier, much smaller than we "need" now for dessert.  We have Spode that we use every day and do put in the dishwasher. Granddaughter loves both, so maybe a new generation will fall in love with those old-fashioned designs.


  • Lindybird- deviled eggs: we love them! Always have them at Easter, and yes, in the platters with the indents.

  • Annette: Seem to remember that Harelady was moving house only last week, which explains everything being in boxes.

    I was sorry to see Venus defeated, too.  She seemed to lose heart once she lost the first set, which is not like her, at all.  And so much for McInroe and I both thinking it would be a long match!!

    Off now to cook some pork with sauce for tonight:  our own new potatoes with it, plus some cauliflower, a favourite veg of ours, although my OH does not grow them himself. We have been giving away big armfuls of rhubarb as we can never use it all.

    A house farther up the road here is now empty, as the poor lady who lived a lonely life there has now died.  The day after the funeral, a skip appeared in the driveway and they now seem to be ripping everything out.  No idea whether the house is going on the market, but everyone is agog.  Apparently it belonged to a nephew of hers, left to him on condition that she could live in it rent free for as long as she liked.  Now he has free rein, we shall see what happens.

  • OG Daisy isn't coping too well. Not good with ABs and her toe though less inflamed has swollen a bit more. It rained most of the morning so she had a good rest as hates rain. She plonks herself right at the back of her very large cage/crate if she can hear it falling. Her crate is her quiet place as it's covered in throws so is all very smug.

    I still have my parents cut glass glasses. Needless to say Mums sherry and liqueur glasses don't get an airing but Dads whisky tumblers are perfect for someone who likes her Speyside single malt whisky.

    Also have the big turkey plates.

  • Hi Clare yes I have met Louise and heard all about her stint at LG - lucky girl - and now she is at Minsmere - couldn't be better.

  • Wendy- my son's whisky shop in Shrewsbury seems to be doing very well! He sells all sorts but Speyside is very popular. It was also my OHs favourite. Always better in a crystal glass LOL

  • Not surprised Speyside is popular Heather as we have over 50 distilleries in the area( some are out with but love the cudos) so we have a hold on the market .

    Enjoying men's doubles.

  • Son gets his supplies from Gordon and MacPhail, WENDY. He is coming up next week to visit a couple of distilleries, don't know which ones yet.

  • My favourite one when I worked there ( obviously) was Aberlour as we did the long nosing and tasting tours..

    Actually one distillery is just like another so comparative tastings are far more beneficial . I am sure G and M could set that up for him.