DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Thursday, 6 July 2017

First things first: the LG IT team, prompted by our "local hero" Mike the Bloke, found a solution to the appearing/disappearing picture problem that had plagued the forum. Good thing, too, because then the forum proceeded to have an 18 page day! This includes MaryGK's really great report on her visit to the LG VC where she gives a full accounting of all the happenings and information at the center.

An unringed male came to call often on EJ today, one first thing in the morning. Here is a shot showing the top of his head (by scylla) then in a skydance (BNN's video), then as a faux? mating (distant video by CC), then (I think the same male) to tempt her with a fish. But then he never gave it to her (CC's video). Whether he meant to do this to be coy, or her rush to grab it from him frightened him we don't know. But she finally began calling for fish today (CC's video), at first tentatively, and then in definite seriousness. So it is possible the first was MU and the second one PU, but we now must suss it out who is who.

The day ended with more of the same, with a twist: two unringed males land on the nest (BNN's uncut video). It means regardless of who the previous males were, there are definitely two different unringed in this scenario. The first arrives sans fish but a big crop, and the second arrives with what looks to be a nice whole fish, but leaves just as EJ arrives to fetch it.

Unringed Male #1 in the blur of evening light (by BNN):

Unringed Male #2 (Moffer's from BNN's video):

That is the intrigue at this point, yet to be unraveled! In the meantime, we had beautiful views of EJ preening on the camera tree (by Moffer) after her unsuccessful fishing adventure at Rothiemurchus in the morning, courtesy of Val Gall by way of Moffer here and here. © 2017 Val Gall
Of course, EJ also went fishing at Aviemore and left without fish from there as well. Surprising given our girl's usual prowess.

In addition, too many amazing snaps of EJ than can be linked here can be found throughout the thread by Limpy, BNN, Sheila, Moffer. It was an action-packed day that could not have been handled by just one pair of eyes. Everyone's observations and captures were crucial.

So given the whole of today's story, the meaning of course is that it looks like EJ didn't have a meal today. Let us hope she pulls up a whopper tomorrow morning, or that one of those boys gets smart enough to fetch what she spent today asking for.

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