The Poole Harbour Osprey Translocation for 2017-2018

For years people have been asking when the next British osprey translocation will happen, it  being over 20 years since the one at Rutland began. 

On 20th June 2017 we finally got to know that it is to be to  Poole Harbour  and what exciting news that was. To complement this Roy Dennis has also opened a new Facebook page called  Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation

They  are looking for 200 people to become conservation champions  for a minimum donation of  £250 each. All donations are welcome. 

The project is a partnership between the Foundation, local charity Birds of Poole Harbour, and Poole based-business Wildlife Windows and is part of a wider conservation recovery plan of osprey in Western Europe and the Mediterranean region which was recently commissioned by the Council of Europe and authored by Roy Dennis. 

This is such exciting news that will keep people interested for the rest of our lives. 

  • Brilliant news!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • What fantastic news Thanks ALAN

  • What a fabulous opportunity for those who live near Poole Harbour, or are on holiday in the area! 

    "...we’re putting on an exclusive one-off Wareham Channel Osprey cruise to introduce the project to the general public and to hopefully see these magnificent birds soaring over Poole Harbour skies...."    23 August, 2017 - 09:30

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Tweet

    "Our Osprey boat has sold out in less than 24 hours! Looking forward to seeing those booked on, on board later in the month!"



    Harbour Update - posted 04/08/17

    You may have noticed we’d gone a little quiet on the Osprey news, and we apologise for that. It’s not that we’ve lost interest or even that we now want to keep it a secret. The true reason is because at 4am on Monday morning (July 31st) we released our first 6 Osprey chicks and our team were busy watching and monitoring their every move since then. Well, it’s been five days now since release and apart from getting a bit soggy on Wednesday all 6 are doing brilliantly, flying, feeding and even playing out in their new (temporary) home. We currently still have two in pens as they’re not quite ready to fledge yet, but they’ll be released early next week which would mean all 8 of this years arrivals will be out and about mapping and imprinting on the Poole Harbour area.

    The release  was an anxious moment as you never quite know what to expect. Would each bird ‘play ball’ and stay within the release area where it’s nice and safe? Hmmmm, well, luckily most of them did but incredibly LS1 flew straight out of the pen and flew across the water to Arne where it promptly landed in a pine tree and sat for several hours. The lure of food and friendly faces soon drew it back though and by later that day he was with his mates again. On Tuesday LS5 made an incredible flight, soring high above the release site on a thermal until she was almost lost to view, however having travelled what looked a good few kilometres away, she calmly banked back around and softly circled lower and lower until she was back down again on one of the nest platforms put out by our team. On Wednesday they all looked miserable, as did we, but by Thursday the sun was back out again and each of the birds continued to grow in confidence flying from perching post to perching post and on Friday LS3 was even beginning to practice dive for fish….admittedly very half heartedly but good on him! We can’t believe we’re already at this stage in our first year, it’s all gone so quickly. Our team are continuing to monitor their every move for now so that we can ensure their long term safety and to make sure we know they’re eating plenty before the disappear for the autumn. For now they’re pretty faithful to the release site area because they know that’s where the food is but within the next week or so they’ll begin making bigger journeys around the harbour and places like Middlebere, Arne, the Wareham Channel and possibly even Lytchett and Holes Bay will be good places to keep an eye out for them. Our thanks go out again to everyone who has supported, helped, donated and advised throughout the project, we can’t express how much that means to us, and here’s looking forward to the next 4 years of the project."

    Here is the link to the site which has photos of some of the birds.

  • Hi Mike, thanks for that - link to photos does not work for me though!  Diane(akaParsley)

  • DianePa said:

    Hi Mike, thanks for that - link to photos does not work for me though!  Diane(akaParsley)

    Hope this works,    See  sightings

  • Thank you Tiger. Have corrected the earlier post.