LINK to the start of JUNE 2017 DETAILS ARE THAT KAREN HAS SUPPLIED. (They won't post here for some reason)
LINK to last post in JUNE 2017
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Aeron looking for aa chance to take the fish but Eitha too busy helicoptering to bother
Glesni landed and took off a minute later
Glesni back with bedding
Aeron has the fish now
Thanks Patily :)
Some pictures too, to go with all that, complimentary stuff :)
Menai, still highly helicoptering around 11:51h
But then at 15:37h i came back online to find this:
Menai has fledged! Webcam wtachers told me Menai had gone to the campole first, flew about and landed here. A "vertical perch" Ems tends to call this. Anyway, it was not a comfortable spot and she flew back to the nest:
Landing is an art in itself, as is measuring distances...
phew, safely back on the nest. And oooh, hello dad! :)
to be continued...
copyright DOP MWT (quality of these pictures is far below the live stream and the images on their websites)
2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree!
FIsh on the nest @15:48 :)
Patily said it: fishfight
Not succesfull though... or, ewll, it depends i suppose ;)
Eitha's wings
copyright DOP MWT (the quality o fthe pictures is bette ron their own websites and live stream.)
Way later, after Aeron had had a share of that fish and left the tail for the takeover, he flew off and ew ended up with two males on the lower perches
4 in this picture :) Menai still eating the tailends and bits.
Video Blog of Menai's fledge yesterday.
Birdies LG DU update.
Menai alone Glesni has come with a fish Menai shows no interest and nobody else appears so she starts tucking in herself
Thanks MIKE I witnessed some of her fledge