(In haste.)
Another day has passed with more than one suitor not, apparently, meeting EJ's requirements - but we had some wonderful views thanks to the efforts of the LG Camperson, and the day was marked by the efforts of one of our number being gratefully acknowledged on the LG Facebook page :o And we gratefully acknowledge her too!
Here is the lovely snap that BirdieNumNum framed for me last evening:
How the night is flying by!
I can't do the daycam, there's been a malfunction and the file with the transition won't open :( It was about 0347hr.
Laptop died all of a sudden *eek* I had pulled out the power cable X hours ago :-/
Cuckoo has been calling but not now.
It's a very slightly mauvey morning:
EJ has landed, no vocals but in defensive or partner-mantling mode.
There was one mini-pipe on landing, which I had missed:
Heard landing on campost.
Down to nest, small stick into/by nestcup (her back to us).
Slow flaps.
Flap across the nest, more flaps, more minor nestorising, standing over nestcup.
Flown after looking out to our right for some time.
Here she is again.
This was the second visit.
She had landed in a total blur of flaps, this is where you can tell who/what she is ;)
Feathers to die for:
A flap-leap up! and across the nest:
Again, waiting for a recognisable osprey:
Across to look out to the right again:
Oh lovely, another blur as she took off: