WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017

Happy New Week all.  Check back for the last of last week's posts.

  • Well, it is dry, warm and windy here today. Did some sweeping and weeding in the garden but must spray again on the paths, when the wind drops. I've never known such an invasion of willow

    herb but can guess where the seeds came from....

    Going to middle daughter for evening meal, Callum will come for me in a couple of hours time.

    Gulls are driving us all mad with noise, there must be a juvenile stranded nearby. I've checked the back garden and looked on the flat roofs but to no avail. They can be pretty aggressive when defending their young or if they see somebody eating in the street (school pupils who buy rubbish for lunch from local shops). My neighbours are worried because their little grandchild likes to play in the garden. It got so bad one year that my OH put on a hard hat when he was cleaning the gutters. He got dive bombed.

  • PAT - I hope Ayrshire has dried up this afternoon - still fine here so am about to go and watch OH in the garden!

    HEATHER - Enjoy the afternoon and meal with your Daughter, Callum  and Amy.  I could just imagine your late OH donning the hard hat for seagull protection when cleaning the gutters!  Dumfries is known for their constant presence in the town - the local council puts out "don't feed the gulls" notices every summer - they even tried hiring a BoP one year, but it wasn't a cost-effective experiment.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Enjoyed the garden this afternoon - but was indoors when he mowed (hayfever).  Intending to get to church tomorrow - first time back.  OH is on projection duty, and has to sit at the front, so J is coming with me (instead of his usual church) to keep an eye on me!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Glad that J will be your 'minder' tomorrow, OG. First time back at church since February?

    Callum suffering dreadfully with hay fever today.

    I'm back at home now,had a lovely afternoon.

  • OG - yes, finally the sun shone on us and on the golf course.  We wait to see whether it will still be there tomorrow and the rest of the week.