WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017

Happy New Week all.  Check back for the last of last week's posts.

  • PAT - enjoy!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Pat, I love Mull. have a super time!

  • Mull is like a magnet for me - I have been coming up here for more than twenty-five years.  Why does my heart have to pick somewhere so far from home?!?!?  It's always well worth the effort, though.

  • How great, Pat!  -- Enjoy!

    I came on mid afternoon, and was unable to post, or even to tick "Like" on anything. :-(

    Now I've got to remember what I was going to say!

  • Pat Islands get under you skin ...

    I live in the Highlands so my 3 trips to Mull have been relatively local.

    I have though been visiting Lundy for 44 years which was a doddle when I lived in Dorset. Now I regularly go in March which involves a 1300 mile round trip. Worth every mile.

    Sunshine and showers late pm walk along the Spey gave us a super view of an Osprey fishing :-)

  • Pat O: Do enjoy your time on Mull.

    Back from Gray Whale party on the Condor. Used a behind-the-ear patch to prevent any seasickness and it worked perfectly, probably because we didn't leave the dock!!  Was way too rough beyond the breakwater and when the vessel came back from the previous trip, the poor crew had to hose the entire ship down due to - ahem - the distressing effects the rough seas had on the passengers. So we ate and drank and chatted on board but right there in the harbor.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • Good Morning.  Sorry I didn't come back yesterday with any replies - I was on the phone, plus watching the new series of Poldark!

    It's a bit grey here again, but should be dry today. I hope to get on with a lot of things, as my OH is off out on a golf day today.

    A Gray Whale Party sounds as if you all stood around with the whales, cocktails in hand and flipper, Annette!!  I get a wonderful mental picture.......

    Hope we get to hear about some of your adventures, Pat.

     The family meal sounded wonderful, Heather. Every good roast should have parsnips......

  • Here's today's pic:

    "Why don't my legs work, Mum!"

  • Sunshine right now - possible shower later, but a reasonable week ahead apart from overnight tonight.  OH will be doing local shopping this morning.

    ANNETTE- pleased the Grey Whale party was enjoyable, despite heavy seas - good that you could actually be on board, in the harbour, rather than having to move the party onto dry land.

    HEATHER - family meal sounds delightful.  I agree with LINDA re parsnips!

    BTW, I did quiz OH about my lost two days, and he explained what happened on those days when I was "out of it" and I could remember little bits of each day, so they are no longer merged into one dark tunnel.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • ANNETTE - I've never heard of the anti sickness patch, must Google it! Pity that you couldn't get out of the harbour, though.

    OG - Well, it seems as if EE didn't find it too difficult after all, to tell you about your lost days. I'm happy about that.

    We did have a lovely afternoon, yesterday, as I said. I admit to a tear or two. When I protested that I 'should' be doing the cooking etc, they reminded me that we have always cooked together anyway, and that it is now their turn to do for me, what I did for them when they were young. I remember feeling exactly the same about my Mum.

    A funny old day here. Rain was forecast for most of the day but it is dry just now.