WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017

Happy New Week all.  Check back for the last of last week's posts.

  • OG – I can understand your need to know what you missed. I always like to skim through the newspapers when I return from holiday or hospital.


    Dibnlib – A-atishooo! My father had to remove broom from our garden to cure our hay fever. I don’t see it growing any where these days.


    Annette – Thanks for starting us off. It was Sunrise Bakery that I sampled in Truro. They have another store in Angaston, also near Gawler that I have yet to find. The Paisley church is the Blanchetown Lutheran. Probably only the camping/fishing people call that spot Paisley.

    There was rivalry between tribes, some groups were more warlike than others and of course all were against whites as they took their hunting land, replacing native animals with sheep & cattle. There were mounted native police (scroll down to South Australia) but most natives would not have had horses. Interesting that this article refers to Moorundie natives.


    Floods. Before the locks & weirs installed 1920s, the Murray River could disappear to a trickle. The barriers were meant to regulate the flow. The 1956 flood is still remembered. Yet a few years ago the flow was so low that the Murray Mouth closed. More here. This map shows the Murray catchment area.

    Many extinct churches are put up for sale, some linger on unwanted, others are snapped up, renovated for homes or holiday homes. Goodness me! You remember Cambrai from my trip last Sep with Chauffeur Friend! This trip it was late when bus passed through Sedan and we didn’t stop. However we had a bus trip there in 2009. I should return for more detailed pics. Back then I was only taking one pic per church.

  • AQ: How sweet. Thank you!  Interesting that your El Ninos cause drought while ours bring rains (usually).

  • Good Morning, and thank you to Annette for starting us off on a new week.

    You must have been relieved to know that your daughter finally made it home: air travel is great when it all goes well, but exhausting when delayed :-(

    Dibnlib: Lovely pic of the colourful broom :-)

    OG: It does feel discombobulating when you miss the general news, and very strange when you know that you've been too ill to know what's happened personally. We were all thinking of you daily, and very glad of EEs posts keeping us in the loop. It was such a worrying time for your family, I don't suppose they want to remember it themselves.

    AQ: That's some river!!  I'll take a closer look at your links later.

    Rather grey skies here, but not too bad a day. Busy preparing for the visit of our Eldest and family next weekend, whose extension building is carrying on apace. This means seeing little Amber, who we've not seen for months.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "See, son - this is where they keep the cat treats..."

  • Good morning and Thanks, ANNETTE.

    Our family lunch has just grown by two persons, grandson and his girlfriend. Just as well the family motto is 'Never Knowingly Undercater, I think it was Nigella Lawson who said that, first!'

    LINDY- you will be excited to see Amber xxx

    I'd better get moving.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Thanks for starting the new thread, Annette. My days are running together, because of this project. I didn't think about it being Saturday!

  • Fair day - a few showers this morning but it is the rough wind which is a nuisance - I can't walk in it, so I didn't go to church - it was the annual meeting after a short service, so not so sorry to miss it!  We are still awaiting the man for the decking - but electrician has given a date (Thursday) to do the connection job.  Seeing the solicitor re Powers of Attorney this week; can't think of anything else that is happening.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi everyone

    Taking a break between lunch and pudding because everyone is so full! My youngest son in law insisted on cooking - and what a fantastic job he made of it. Roast leg of lamb with mint sauce, roast potatoes and roast parsnips with carrots,also sweetheart cabbage dressed with butter and black pepper. Also peas for the fussy eaters! Meanwhile,grandson Callum used my pressure washer on his car and there are now quite a lot of soapsuds sitting in the gutter...

    Good that you are sorting out Powers of Attorney, OG. Because we were both widowed previously and in a  second marriage, OH's son and my eldest daughter hold joint POA here if and when it should become necessary to activate same.

    The sounds of the dishwasher being loaded and other stuff being washed in the sink have subsided somewhat, so I think I will be allowed to join the party again:-)

  • Morning all:  

    Heather: Geez. I like the sound of lunch - and having a SiL to cook such a feast. Where did I go wrong...!  

    Lindybird: I want that kitten - what a fat little bundle. :-)

    OG: POA's very important - my UK family had "issues" when sister ended up in hospital last year, without POAs.

    Well, today is the Gray Whale "thanks to volunteers" party on board the Condor, the ship that does whale watching cruises out of Santa Barbara. Thing is, it's pretty windy and we may end up moving the event to a nearby park. I forgot all about the outing what with being so busy these last couple of weeks.  

    Granddaughter and Ms. D arriving next Thursday. Have just ordered CD version of Winne the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner (Stephen Fry and Judy Dench) so Ms. D stays occupied on very long drive...

  • Not wishing to make anyone envious ... I am now on Mull, and went to Iona Abbey this morning.  Lovely ... almost raining, but managed to remain more or less dry.  Planning to visit the sea eagles tomorrow if the weather holds - forecast isn't brilliant for the week.  Can I cope with sea eagles and osprey all in one week?  I'll try ...!!