NEW CHAT THREADThis is the new thread for the week. I am watching the news of the terror attacks in London. I don't think it's appropriate to post my usual wishes for a happy new week along with a cheerful photo. I will simply say that my thoughts are with all of my dear friends in the U.K. I hope you all stay safe.
Just got back from a quick trip out with a friend. She had been at a foodie function at an events venue just down the road on Sunday. She got home to find that she had lost a very recently bought broach with a pic of a hare on. She had checked the car and left a message at the venue but no go. She picked me up and we were going to check the car park between us. First of all we went to the office and we were taken to the hall. We hadn't been looking for more than a minute when the lady from the office espied said broach. One very happy friend. We then went to "The Dairy" for our 2nd coffee of the day.
OG - hope that J will give you some meal ideas. If I remember correctly, he doesn't like some of the soups that you and EE enjoy. It is quite a long time since OH and I had 'proper lunches' including salads, omelettes etc. Gradually it changed to either soup or a sandwich.
ANNETTE - enjoy your daughter's visit.
Just saw your post, DIBNLIB. Great that your friend got her brooch back :-)
HEATHER - OH and I normally have salad five days a week at lunch, and the other two days when we have soup, we eat salad with our evening meal. J only eats about three different soups, isn't fond of salad, and often doesn't like the things which go with salad! As well as trying to please him, I want to include variety in the way we usually do! I think there will have to be compromise on both "sides", and I know he will go out a couple of times a week, when we can please ourselves!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
A mixed sort of day -- it's hardly stopped raining. But had a nice chat with Friend on the phone, and we hope to meet up at some point to allow her to relate their recent holiday adventures. Went off to local Garden Centre to enjoy a cuppa and try on some sandals (my OH - we bought some, and I paid as they were a delayed birthday present) and I poked around the Gift Section where I found lots of things which I liked but dare not buy! But I found a pair of bargain blue trousers in the clothes section, so got home pleased with our purchases. As I wear trousers about 95% of the time, I can't have too many!
Glad your friend found her brooch, Dibnlib - that was lucky.
Heather - we have 'snack lunches' most of the time. Often these days a mug of soup, either home made or out of a packet, plus a "nut of cheese," or an egg, or just a very simple salad. In my OHs case, the simpler the better as he rarely eats lettuce or courgette so salad to him can be just cheese or ham with a tomato! I like grated carrots, cucumber, and nowadays my courgette sliced into ribbons with my spiralizer.
See that I crossed with you in the food discussions, OG! - hard enough to decide what to have when there's two to please, never mind three! I took about 20 mins to write my last post due to interruptions.
Day of sunshine and showers...
Daisy is 8 today and we gave her a " cosy nosy mat". A local girl makes a rug mat on a plastic mesh mat. You hide treats in the folds. With a nose like Daisy's you can imagine it went down well.
Re catering I am veggie Himself is so not so it's a case of 2 different meals each time.
Like the idea of the cosy nosy mat, WENDY!
I have never had a good or large appetite and have to really fancy something before I eat it.Because of that I try to have a selection of options available. I just can't eat to a plan, my tastebuds dictate and I so envy you, OG that you can plan meals. I know I'm strange, my children write out menus for the week and shop accordingly. I try not to waste food and it is good that I can phone stepdaughter in law and say 'come and get this, I just don't fancy it and it needs eating!'.
Never heard of a cosy nosy mat!! -- but it sounds fun! I think Bonnie would just run around the room with it, however!
I ate very little as a youngster, and was so thin that everyone worried about me. However, during my teens I grew an appetite for certain foods, and then later, in my twenties, I started to love food. I am still fussy about what I eat and when, but once I sit down at the table, if it's foods that I like I have to stop myself from just continuing eating until I can't move! I get around that by giving myself a portion and allowing myself no more.
Relationships with food are very complicated, and both over and under eating can be masking other things going on in life. Also, an appetite or lack of it can be an inherited trait.
Hi all: Daughter arrived more than an hour late due to part of Phoenix airport being shut down due to someone leaving something unattended so police/swat team/and star troopers called in. All was fine. Early to bed tonight and off out early in the morning.
I see the Orange Menace has been at it again. Meanwhile, for any opera lovers on here, have a laugh at how Rossini might comment on the goings on...
Have a good Tuesday all.