Have we just been thru the quietest day of the season so far? One short, screaming landing from EJ in the morning, the odd alarm chirp heard. Good to hear that EJ was seen fishing.
I'm going to look thru the recordings since Moffer signed off yesterday evening, but they're rather jiggly so I'll probably miss anyone who just does an on-and-off.
Hi Patily.
Birdies LG DU update.
Good morning to the BC. There is hardly a breath of wind up here this morning; think that's why it seems so still.
FB Aviemore Ospreys. 1 hour ago
First Osprey this morning came in really low and had three big dives before getting a fish..... EJ. Seems she is fishing here every morning
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Morning all :o)
Hi Moffer. Good to see that EJ is so active.
Thank you for the report of EJ fishing, MOFFER :)
To say that I am embroiled, enmired, enmeshed and encombobulated here is an understatement. Terrible PC probs, except that LG is recording OK.
I am taking time out to eat.
Has anyone else lost sound? I just have the throbbing white noise.
No birdsong whatsoever :o((
Yes Moffer. Been like it all morning. I think MC commented on it earlier
I've spoken to Chris. They were not aware as it is OK in the centre. He'll contact Peter.
It's not like you to have missed early posts, MOFFER?! :-///
Mike B said: I've spoken to Chris. They were not aware as it is OK in the centre. He'll contact Peter.
I emailed Jess ages ago explaining the lack of sound problem and suggesting that they wouldn't hear the "interference" like we do.
I'm off until later :(