Hi everyone

Don't know if I am doing this correctly but will carry on anyway. Not much happening at nest I see. Hopefully things will work out. This is all new so we don't know what will happen but we are learning all the time. Hoping for the best
  • Hello Bridie, welcome from me up in the very far north of Scotland in Caithness. If you want to post a new thread go to the chat box on the blue bar at the top, then the post box, far right, you will then get a list of places to chooses from or go to the wildlife box on the blue bar and you will get another set of options to put your post. If you want to add to a thread that you are already in just type in the last white box and hit reply, it will then add for all to see. Hope that helps a little. We are a friendly lot, so sit back and join in. Enjoy

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.