Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 May 2017


Summertime arriving for us all except AQ. Have a good winter, AQ.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Green Jay
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled public domain (copyright free)

This beautiful bird is native to Central and South America and reaches its northern limit in south Texas.

  • So pleased to hear that you had a good weekend, Heather.

  • OG: My niece in the UK also wonders why so many young people seem to drink so much. What a waste of time - not to mention money. I don't remember it being something anyone did when I was growing up.

    Heather: Welcome back. Good to read that you're busy and had a good time.  What was granddaughter doing (sorry if you told us!)?

    Lindybird: I always doing ironing watching television; it isn't quite so boring. I haven't planted any hanging baskets this year; I seem to be so busy and we really do have to water them regularly just to keep them alive.

    Had nice breakfast with grandson and home earlier than thought, which was nice.

    Hope Monday and the coming week are kind to all.

  • Up early - have to be ready for ambulance from 8:00am for 10:30 appointment!

    Have I ever shared the news that Dau#2 and her partner became engaged a few weeks ago?  No hurry for a wedding as they can't decide what kind of wedding to have, and more importantly don't want to detract from Grandson's wedding planned for next March.

    Pleased HEATHER returned safely after a good weekend with OH's family (was this a degree exhibition/presentation?)and ANNEYYE had a good breakfast with Grandson.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone.  A very wet night last night, but it's done the garden good! 

    Annette - Yes, I always do the ironing whilst watching tv. We have a sophisticated recording "thingy" nowadays and so there's usually something waiting on there for me to find time to watch: my OH doesn't like all of the wildlife stuff and I also enjoy some silly things like "First Dates" which is as it sounds, a dating programme but often very funny, and the Find My Ancestors stuff featuring famous celebs looking for their families' past.

    OG - Don't think you mentioned the engagement: congrats to the happy couple! You did say that your grandson was getting married.

    A new series of Springwatch starts this week, coming from Gloucestershire. Forget which day it starts. EDIT -- Just seen it advertised: on tonight at 8.00pm on BBC2.

  • Hello to all -

    Just a look in to say that I hope that OG has received good news at the hospital today. I'm sure that we will hear later on.

    OH's granddaughter has just finished a BSc Hons in fashion technology. She studied at the Scottish Borders Campus of Heriot Watt University and one of the main reasons we are so proud is that she has overcome some severe physical and psychological problems. She didn't speak at all for the first two years she was at primary school and was diagnosed with a mutism disorder. She has suffered from crippling shyness and lack of social confidence and then in her teens developed a severe scoliosis and required major spinal surgery. This spinal curvature of course, made her even more self conscious. She displayed talent at secondary school in art and needlework and is a perfectionist by nature. So, she took the enormous, for her, step to leave home and enter an environment which was very challenging. Her dissertation results were very good and her practical work including clothing for which she designed, researched fabrics, cut patterns etc and made, was on display. There was also a fashion show. I thought that her designs were about the most wearable of many we saw. However, she said that talent scouts at the exhibition would not be too interested in her work, they would be more interested in the very edgy stuff. That remark may have been engendered by her lack of self confidence.....

  • Very pleasant afternoon. Benson had his haircut and we took him to Dores afterwards. Loch Ness was flat calm so he was able to enjoy lots of swimming for sticks.

  • Morning all:

    Heather: Fashion technology? The mind boggles at what that means; sounds like a far cry from Domestic Science, etc.. But what a wonderful story about granddaughter.  I'm sure she should be able to find a niche for her designs.  I've never been accused of being fashionably "edgy;" in fact have never been accused of being fashionable, so wearable sounds wonderful.  We have a clothing store here called JJill that has very wearable clothes. I've bought pants (trousers!) there because they make them in Tall sizes and they actually fit me and look halfway decent, but they have great sales very often.   

    OG:  Maybe you can see Miriam more often once you're up and running again. They do grow so quickly. Ms. D is sprouting like a weed and just lost the first of her big front baby teeth. Hope the next lot come in nice and even.  Let us know what Dau#2 plans for a wedding; why do I suspect they'll do something very low-key...  

    Lindybird: Ah, my favorite type of horse. Thank you.

    dibnlib: Just Googled the Dores Inn - my kind of place and love the idea of a grazing  menu; "lunch" sounds so boring.  :-)

  • So interesting to hear about your OHs granddaughter, Heather.  Fashion has to be very technical those days, what with all the new fabrics available, and the well cut designs which can cleverly disguise our faults!  I would so love to have seen her exhibition: Good luck to her for persisting with her talents in spite of her problems.

    Dibnlib: Hope Benson enjoyed being smartened up! Then a swim, too!  You do have some nice lunches out.

    Annette: The horse picture had the tag "a tinkers horse" which looks correct as he's not very well groomed. But gorgeous! - I adore their big, woolly feet!

    OG: Hope all has gone well today. Thinking of you.

    Our two sons met up yesterday with their respective families, for lunch and for the children to play together at a place where there were children's rides, bouncy castles, and farm animals to view and pat. They were lucky with the weather as they didn't get caught out by the thunderstorms. They live a long way from each other, and even further from us, so I'm glad they made an effort to keep in touch.

    We went to a charity event held by the local Lions this morning, and I bought small items for the grandchildren, plus some small garden plants. Also a cookbook, to add to the many I already have - but it's by Josceline Dimbleby. Tried to win prizes on the tombolas, but came away with nothing. Never mind, it was for a good cause, the local Hospice.

  • Better news - now to carefully and gradually increase weight-bearing on left leg - still to use zimmer but with a different gait.  Physio coming Friday to see if she can get me onto steps with one walking stick and using rail.

    BBL with replies.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!