Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 May 2017


Summertime arriving for us all except AQ. Have a good winter, AQ.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Green Jay
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled public domain (copyright free)

This beautiful bird is native to Central and South America and reaches its northern limit in south Texas.

  • Diane: Thank You!  Had no idea there were Green Jays.

    OG: There's a research study somewhere waiting to discover the link between thunder and the rate of garden growth. Hope J enjoyed his pub meal.

    Lindybird: That's a very small critter (rat? mouse?)

    Good to see George and Lynette.

    I'm clearly losing the plot! Was at the library this afternoon and saw a book by a favorite author. I picked it up, thinking that maybe I might read it and opened it to find a Post It note - written in my handwriting(!) - reminding me to look for another two of her books, which I do remember reading. Hmmmm...

    Off to see grandson tomorrow - it's his birthday Tuesday but he'll be working late and we want to deliver his present and card.

    Take care everyone.

  • Good Morning, All. Thanks to Diane for starting us off once again. Love the Jay!! - so colourful. Glad you're alright, Diane, after the latest bad weather.

    Annette: Its a little hedgehog!!  So cute!

    Damp here, but not cold. May do some more gardening.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "Other people's dinners always look better....."

  • Good morning - and happy new week.

    DIANE  - thanks for starting us off with that lovely Green Jay - its colours are so striking - almost fluorescent.

    ANNETTE - J enjoyed his evening in part, but it became more of a pub-crawl followed by a rather late meal (not his scene at all) and then the trains home weren't running, so he had to phone to be fetched home.  Enjoy your time with Grandson.

    LINDA - thought it must be a baby Hedgehog, but the tail was very long!

    Latest pic of the Great-Granddaughter:

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Cute kitten pics and cute Great Granddaughter.

    Cooler here today. Benson going to the groomer tomorrow ready for more hot weather to come.

  • Gorgeous Gt Granddaughter! What a lovely hat!

    Annette & OG   - Went back to look at my hedgie, and can see now that it's his little forearm and hand, not a tail! I wondered myself there, for a minute. Think it's rare to see a baby one, perhaps he was rescued.

  • Morning all:

    Lindybird: A hedgehog!  Windows recently had the cutest photo of one peering out from the desktop.  Like OG, I also went back to the photo and couldn't figure out the forearm/leg - except he's twisted to the left. OK. Got it.  (Still looks like a mouse with a punk hair-do though.)  :-)

    OG: Oh that is one cute little girl!  How old is she now - 6-7 months?  Hmm, too bad it wasn't the meal, then the pub crawl so he could've bailed out earlier.  

  • ANNETTE - that's what J had hoped for, and since he was told "meal and then drinks" it's what he expected.  His colleagues are mostly women and they start with drinks before setting out, drinks with the meal and yet more drinks after - and their behaviour sometimes becomes very embarrassing to someone who doesn't drink.  Miriam is now about seven months - rather different from when we saw her at three weeks!  We still hope we might see her again some time.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • A shame that Js night out was spoiled, OG. Not sure why people often drink so much nowadays - we had no option when younger, anyway, as we couldn't afford it!

    Miriam is a little sweetie, you must be thrilled. A bit sad that you will only see her intermittently.

    I got lots done today, sandwiched around a Sunday afternoon sit down. Filled the hanging baskets, and trimmed a wild looking bush now that there don't seem to be chicks in the nests in it. Then did the dreaded ironing.  My OH touched up some paintwork indoors, and inspected our conservatory outside. He's decided it needs a bit of cleaning on the roof, which usually frightens me to death as he needs to climb up tall ladders and reach over. 

  • Hello to all

    Back home. A lovely weekend, quite emotional with thoughts of my OH and his late first wife who would have been so proud to see their granddaughter's work. Too tired to chat, will catch up tomorrow.