DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Saturday, 27 May 2017

Sorry to be so LATE! The question for today is whether EJ now has a new male suitor who can help her repel the Blue Ringed intruder (now popularly thought of as another female, especially after the vicious attack on EJ at the nest first thing yesterday morning.) The daylight is already beginning in the distance behind the nest, and scylla will no doubt have a catch up and update. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild

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  • :)) Lovely. Thanks.  Wonder where our dear EJ has gone to.

    Marina Kyriacou 

  • Morning Scylla and Stingray, lovely to see the redstart.

  • Going to get coffee... and a new can of face spray!

  • Morning All and thanks for the all earlier updates and captures.

    This unringed male, I really don't know how I feel about him as Odin is still very much in my mind but one thing I do feel sure about is that EJ needs help to defend her nest and if this male can help, for EJ's sake then I hope he hangs around.  

    My only dread with this tho is that I hope he doesn't chase off Odin.  

    What a predicament and it must be very difficult for EJ.  

    I'm off out - hopefully an easier, more peaceful day for EJ  - SYL

  • Thanks for the Redstart photos, Scylla - such a lovely little bird. I decided to watch for her and at 08:12 she returned to collect another beak full of feathers. She seems to collect them with such enthusiasm and to the accompaniment of the sweet song of a Willow Warbler :-)

  • Karen B said:
    Redstart... such a lovely little bird.

    She is!  Thank you, MOFFER, for the introduction ;)  I'm resisting making this a Redstart thread, thank goodness my snaps are so unclear.

    KAREN - I'm not at all keen on the unringed osprey, not just because he's not a good-looker, which isn't his fault :'( but because I still hope to see Odin back and I don't want there to be males still hanging around to thwart him :(

    Also, I don't suppose that BR and UR could be partners, she taking the more aggressive role?  I can't replay the history in my head to see who's done what over the past couple of weeks.

  • I know that MIKE is otherwise engaged but am missing PATILY :-*

    MARY, I know, has been checking in :-*

  • Scylla - just caught your post as I was closing down

    Agree and it is my preference too that there are no males hanging around for I do believe Odin will return!   But it is this female that is worrying me!    I am just so gutted thinking of all that EJ has lost and I cannot bare to think of her losing her nest for that would be everything.  

    This partnership you mention!  That thought had crossed my mind about UR and BR as initially there were other intruders around but it now seems to be just this two and they are for staying/the female for taking over.   They may well have lost their nest?  But did we not suspect a pair back in 2015 along with Fenrir?  

    I really must run - catch up later :-)

  • Karen W said:
    They may well have lost their nest?

    They, too, could be victims of May returners?

    I hope we get some info on the blue ring soon.

  • Morning. Thank you for the updates. What a lot of trouble you went to Scylla finding the redstart and coal tit. Much as I enjoyed looking at them it made me realise what we should have been looking at by now. I have mixed feelings about Odin. Was he frightened away or, and more likely, was he injured by the intruder? If he doesn't return I don't suppose we will ever know what has really happened to him.