DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Monday, 22 May 2017

Odin not seen since 18 May 2017 early afternoon --- 3 days. We have one chick left, no fish deliveries, and an unringed male hanging about the nest. I am personally moved by the greatest forum participants I have ever seen. Many opinions expressed with no personal rancor in the disagreements. I believe all  are opening their hearts and minds in a fervent unified wish for the best for EJ. As one forum poster said, "If only EJ knew how many are thinking of her." I am back in town and stricken to see all the news, yet so very honored to be in the company of such courageous nature watchers. Thank you all.

At this moment EJ is sleeping on a mercifully quiet nest with a light wind but no precipitation. May she have peaceful dreams that come true for her. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild

Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Very well put, CC--thanks.  We can only watch and hope (not only for EJ but for northwest Wales and Manton Bay, etc.) and try to remember that so far this season the good stories at webcam nests still outnumber the sad ones. If Ospreys were not doing so well (despite the odds being stacked against them!) we would not be encountering traumatic issues such as the current one at LG because there would be fewer or no young returnees to upset the balance.  Fingers crossed that Odin returns fit and well and that he an EJ have a peaceful rest of the season (and my hope springs eternal for next year!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thank you, Ann. It is good to remember the wide view. I am wondering, a day or two ago wasn't there a report from Aviemore that Odin was having a hard time fishing competing against young returning osprey who were also fishing??? Or am I dreaming?

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • CC, I read that the young Osprey named Cromarty was preventing other Ospreys from fishing (I think it was at Aviemore but have not checked back postings) but while at least one of the other Ospreys attempting to fish was unringed (so it might have been Odin) he was not positively identified.  There may be more information since--I have not kept up with everything due to preparing for a holiday and going away so I did not know there was any problem for several days--came as a shock to read on Saturday that EJ had not had any fish for 2 days and now it is well over 3 days, poor lady!  

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Cathy, thanks for starting the new thread.  In case people do not know Cromarty  here  he is

  • Can any who have been logged in all day confirm whether or not Cromarty has been seen today or when last seen?  I was last on here this morning at approx 3.30 and as have been out of the loop after travelling an almost 600 mile round trip.  Foolishly I've logged on here having just got back secure in the knowledge I have Monday as holiday from work!

    If I can stay awake, I will try and get through Sunday's posts.  Good morning or evening or afternoon to all wherever you may be.

  • Thank you, CC.

    No Cromarty seen yesterday, STEVIE, just the one unringed male - altho we weren't sure whether the second and subsequent intrusions were the same bird but I think so.

    EJ is hard to make out on the nest:


  • Hi scylla xx. An exhausting few days for all of you, and it is not over yet. :'{  The sky is lightening already. I am about to go to bed, so I will check up on EJ and the rest of you vigilant watchers first thing tomorrow morning.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Unknown said:

    And the same to you, CC :-*

    I'm struggling with some tech here ;)

    The cam has gone down (not related to my tech struggle).

    I have been told that the last time it went down was because the VC (encoding)) computer suddenly rebooted itself for no known reason - I blame Windows Updates ;)


  • Just checked my email last night and the cam went down at exactly the same time, 03:20hr.  I think that Toby at Carnyx may get in early-ish and be able to sort it out remotely, but in the meantime, no hope (unless he's working now, he does do stuff in the night sometimes).


  • Oh crap. I got up because I could not sleep, and now the cam is down and I am making hot chocolate to console myself. Maybe it is good to be spared the watching with dread for the time being.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs