Yesterday the first chick was born! At 19.24 Moffer heard a 'croc' sound followed by chirps. A video by Scylla confirmed the noises. At 10.55 EJ finally took a break and we could see the chick. What a joy! :-) We should have good views today. Let's hope the weather improves, as yesterday was very windy. I'll do some posh links to videos in the morning.
Tiger's Osprey News
Thank you for support for my idea on the naming - which would of course be only temporary until they get their official names.
Clare - I was waiting for another successful hatching before suggesting Brenda for the 2nd chick. We all miss both Brenda and Margo's enthusiastic input on these threads, and I'm sure they would have approved. However, I'm not going into a sulk if they are not adopted for general use, you must all call our wonderful chicks just whatever you want :-)
It's back.....stuttering
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Feeling good about life and motherhood, EJ?
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
On this happy note I'm heading to Minsmere. Have a good day, everyone!
Have a great day yourself, Clare.... :-)
I'm off out and walking on air as we have yet another osprey in the EJ dynasty!
Another mini feed for chick, but when you're only 12 hours old, you don't need a lot. (she's behind you)
EJ is tucking in with lovely feeding chirps.
Nothing goes to waste, chick can manage just one more bite
Alarm calls from Odin off cam. EJ looks up