Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 May 2017

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  • DIBNLIB - lovely photo of The Boy!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Great pic of Benson, dibnlib!  Looks so comfy!

    We had a good journey, and travelled through sunshine alternating with showers, but thankfully arrived in sunshine. I managed to drown myself from head to toe, well, head to knee anyway, when I switched on the tap in the kitchen, full on, and found there was an air pocket. The water came out like an explosion and spread itself in all directions!!

    Later, we relaxed in the late afternoon sunshine and I tried to adjust my chair, thus spilling tea all down one leg!!  Really, I shouldn't be let out, as we used to say. ;-)

    Must go and tidy up - we've just had takeaway fish & chips and now we're tired.

  • Evening all:

    Lindybird:  Seems like that was a nice relaxing hideway, nosy birds aside.  Where are you off to  next (after your Wales weekend that is)?   We must be related - I seem to have trouble getting food from my plate to my mouth these days. When I wear an apron, it always goes down the space between me and the apron.....

    AQ; We have a lovely craft/yarn/you name it store in nearby Carpenteria. I love the displays (but don't ask me to try any of it).

    Heather:  I gather the British bookmakers are betting on Mr. T being gone (one way or another) before the end of his term and maybe even by the end of this year.  Was just watching former Secretary of State Madeline Albright talking about Mr. T's upcoming trip. She was saying what a long trip and complicated trip it is and ended up with "What could possibly go wrong?" which had her interviewer and fellow guest stifling smirks!  Only one bottle of wine? :-)

    OG: Glad things are progressing smoothly on all fronts from the sound of it.  Was speaking to BiL yesterday and seems like a Fall visit will work for them. A busy year!!

    dibnlib: That must be a big bed for snoozy Benson coz it seems like he's quite a large dog.

    Have spent most of the day sorting out grandson's visit and trying to figure out schedule....

    Have a good Friday everyone, lurkers included!  :-)

  • ANNETTE    that is an illusion. Benson is around 13 and a bit kg compared to a Goldies 30kg. He is probably a small Cocker and would be classed as a large small dog or a small medium sized dog...... if that makes sense.

    Awoke to yet another nice morning. will go for a swim for the first time in a while as my cold has been hanging on and I didn't feel up to it. Still have a bit of a smokers cough (I don't) though.

  • Good Morning, All.

    Annette - We're booked for an exciting cruise in the Autumn - we will miss the first week of Awful Cousins visit, sadly ;-)  

    I have never come back to put on some of the pics of our visit to Malta, which was over 18 months ago! These include some views of Valetta, so I will try and post them sometime.

    Sunshine here and we're hoping to fit in a walk between showers. Hope everyone gets a good day!

  • PS - Sorry you've still got a cough, Dibnlib - I hope it goes with the warmer summer weather coming.

  • Nearly forgot to do today's pic!

  • LINDY    Where is this exciting cruise taking you? Bet you are sobbing that you are missing cousins first week of visit!!!!!  Hope she doesn't make you pay for it later.Love the butterfly.

  • Good afternoon.  Still dry here - sunshine and thin white cloud - possible showers later - hope they are soon enough for OH to know whether he doesn't need to water the garden!  He's busy in the kitchen right now.

    LINDA - sounds like a good start to the holiday - apart from the tap and tea mishaps!  Good timing re the autumn cruise!

    DIBNLIB - I hope you can get rid of the cough soon.

    Nothing to report here - still being good and only doing what I am  allowed!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello -

    Worrying times at LG.

    Not much to report from here either, OG! Eldest daughter and I went to Simpsons garden centre. I bought potting compost and some plants. I'll never have the garden quite as tidy as my OH but going to do my best. It was his hobby. I do it just so that I get the pleasure of looking at things. I did buy three tomato plants. We shall see how I get on.

    Yes, LINDY, I wonder how you managed to book a holiday just when your favourite visitor is coming to town ;-)

    Take care of yourself, DIBNLIB.

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