Daily Update (LG Diary) Wednesday 14th July

  • Something is still bothering EJ.  The GEM who is eating (at the top end of this pic), has hold of a fish and is making the most of it while everyone else is watching...

  • Is Eldest left of EJ?  I've been away -  getting ready to to to work

  • Have a brilliant evening margobird and enjoy your visitors.  :-)

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Unknown said:

    Is Eldest left of EJ?  I've been away -  getting ready to to to work

     Yes Cirrus.

  • Oh, I've just had a thougtht ...........  now that Eldest and Middle hatched can both 'eat on their own' now , there will probably be some right royal battles over fish. Oh well.                    :) (I hope)

  • Hi Cirrus,

    Not been on here for a few days, busy with work, and watching the LoL (where I saw the first one fledge)

    I gather one of 'ours' here has already taken its first flight. Great news! That must be it that has just landed, as I gather neither No.2 nor 3 have fledged yet.

    Here's a shot of it just landed at 16:10, with No.2 (I presume) eating the fish:

    EJ is now feeding No.1 - as if it can't feed itself!!

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein

  • I believe flippin'    Greedy Guts as someone called him is having mum feed him with the left over fish end.

  • Greedy guts is at it again, EJ is feeding the eldest one.  Youngest has got up and is going over for some, pushing middle one out of the way, I think.

  • Greedy Guts is also a right noisy so-and-so   :-)

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Yes, pretty sure you are  correct Lynette. Youngest now also being fed.