The season so far:
Mrs G arrived back on the 22nd March and her mate, Aran on the 7th April. Mrs G laid three eggs on the 19th, 22nd, and 25th April. Currently both adults are taking turns to incubate the eggs which are expected to hatch around the end of May.
At the nearby second platform, the Traeth nest, Blue 5F has laid an egg on the 28th April which is likely to be Arans!!
Some Useful Links:
Glaslyn Osprey Webcam
Glaslyn Osprey Website
Glaslyn Twitter - Glaslyn Facebook Page
ChloeB & Tigers Glaslyn Nest Stats
Glaslyn Ospreys 2014
Glaslyn Ospreys 2015
Glaslyn Ospreys 2016 Monthly Threads: Jan-Apr May June July August Sept-Dec
Glaslyn Ospreys 2017 Monthly Threads: March, April
MrsG just got a fish, I'm having trouble pulliing up the video so here y'are for now.
Looks like Aran made a good start on it:
Hello Scylla,
In your pst about the glitches towards 1 o'clock (last post on the other page), there is a second osp on the nest in the dark. Did you see who it was?
(On mobile only today, i cannot see it properly of enlarge or such.)
2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree!
I cropped this but we still can't see much.
The first time I hear Mrs G fish soliciting !! just after she has eaten …… cos it was a tiddler, it’s a HOT day and she needs the water as much as the flesh. So does he fetch one?
He eventually flies off – probably gets 5F a fish and 5 hours later Mrs G IS STILL WAITNG Aran , you little *********
Still waiting for a fish....Two tiddlers with heads off today. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Unknown said: Hello Scylla, In your post about the glitches towards 1 o'clock (last post on the other page), there is a second osp on the nest in the dark. Did you see who it was?
In your post about the glitches towards 1 o'clock (last post on the other page), there is a second osp on the nest in the dark. Did you see who it was?
As I said, Otter - "I cannot edit this out - came in pixels, resolved, disappeared" :( The snap I posted covered the whole of its appearance.
I've drug it out of the Recycle Bin and tried again - this time the bird doesn't appear at all when I play it normal speed, there are actually multiple freezes and glitches at the start of the 2h45m VLC recordings, which is when the bird entered the picture.
Tenth time of trying, here is a slideshow - note that MrsG is frozen throughout.
I am sure that if it had been anyone other than Aran she would have gone spare ;o
Hatch for Mrs G. Away and cannot post capture!!!!
Birdies LG DU update.