The season so far:
Mrs G arrived back on the 22nd March and her mate, Aran on the 7th April. Mrs G laid three eggs on the 19th, 22nd, and 25th April. Currently both adults are taking turns to incubate the eggs which are expected to hatch around the end of May.
At the nearby second platform, the Traeth nest, Blue 5F has laid an egg on the 28th April which is likely to be Arans!!
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ChloeB & Tigers Glaslyn Nest Stats
Glaslyn Ospreys 2014
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Glaslyn Ospreys 2016 Monthly Threads: Jan-Apr May June July August Sept-Dec
Glaslyn Ospreys 2017 Monthly Threads: March, April
Mrs G incubating just now
(c) Glaslyn
Thanks for the update Otter.
Time is ticking on ... Mrs G's are due to start hatching in a day or so and then 5F's next week?
I just hope Aran can maintain this and in the time that will be freed up from sharing incubating duties, that he can provide adequate fish as required and defend these nests for if not, I sincerely hope Glaslyn have a plan B!
Thank you for your post OTTER A little bit of reassurance
Lots of flies on MrsG's eggs - in FF they could be seen to increase in number, the longer the eggs were left uncovered. This is too short to notice.
I don't see a pip - what might have been one was 'fluff' from nest material.
Fish at 17.30
Thanks Sheila,
Just looked and she's finished it! Caught her wiping her beak then having a scratch!
Hopefully it was a decent size and she enjoyed it!
She has now flown off the perch for a fly around while Aran continues to incubate
Mrs G has now returned
Aran flies off
Aran goes to the perch and Mrs G takes over incubating
It was a decent size Karen. I think she was hungry because she fair wolfed it down.
Thanks Sheila, that's good to know :)
Just before one o'clock there was a big glitch in the stream, I cannot edit this out - came in pixels, resolved, disappeared:
A few minutes ago:
No sign of hatch yet, as far as I can see. Our lovely spider's web is still there, we need some dew!