The season so far:
Mrs G arrived back on the 22nd March and her mate, Aran on the 7th April. Mrs G laid three eggs on the 19th, 22nd, and 25th April. Currently both adults are taking turns to incubate the eggs which are expected to hatch around the end of May.
At the nearby second platform, the Traeth nest, Blue 5F has laid an egg on the 28th April which is likely to be Arans!!
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Glaslyn Ospreys 2017 Monthly Threads: March, April
Cirrus I'm afraid I have no idea on that nest.
Birdies LG DU update.
Ok Mike, thanks anyway
Your post 06.44 Mike and I'm hoping Aran has been here all day so far
unless he is on the other perch, Aran has now left the building , sigh
Just twigged what all the noise is !! 5 F soliciting fish. No wonder there is trouble here for crying out. It sounds as if 5 F is no more that 6 feet away!!!!!!!!!!! Forget the real distance between the nests. If I were Mrs G I'd do a double quick flit over to the PC nest and pin 5 F to the side of it whilst I trashed the remainder eggs with my other talon,
Quiet. Presumably 5 F has a ***** fish
I think Mrs G needs to raise her voice Cirrus. I don't think any of us could cope with another heart wrenching situation. Whoever gave permission for that nest so close needs the trashing!
thank you Tempo. The stocks and rotten eggs first and then a thrashing. Knots on the whips. If Mrs G's chicks suffer because of this nest I shall break protocol and write a very assertive letter on the FB page
Ah. 5F is at it again. Maybe, hopefully, she did not get a fish (probably did) or maybe she wants a break from incubating. Please don't grant it Aran. Let her go for a lengthy fly around and hopefully give the corvids the chance to have a free egg meal.
5 F has been calling since 15.00 hours !! What desperate straights she is in. Anyone know if she has had a fish today? This is such an unfair situation for all Ospreys concerned.